Elijah came unto all the people and said, "How long will you waver between two opinions? If the Lord is God; follow Him, but if Baal, then follow him....
1 Kings 18:21
...render therefore the things that are Caesar and unto God, that which is God's.
Matthew 22:21
Such a person is double minded and unstable in all they do. James 1:8
If you don't stand for something, you will fall for anything.
We have just witnessed the Kentucky clerk, Kim Davis, arrest for not issuing marriage licenses to same sex couples. There are many opinions about her decision to not issue those marriage licenses, but the truth is, only one opinion really matters and that's God's opinion.
Who will you serve is the question we are all faced with. Will we buckle under public opinion or will we stand on the word of God? Will we be men pleasers or will we please God? You better choose correctly. There are only two options in the matter; you may be uncomfortable on this earth because of the decisions you make or you may be tormented for eternity.
What happens when man's laws opposes God's law? You stand for God's word. Our religious freedom is now on the line and we have witnessed the first arrest to my knowledge for resisting the law of man against God's law in this country. Be very sure beloved, that your faith will be tested one way or another in the not too distant future. Get some resolve about yourself and become courageous in your heart as you stand on God's word.
This is the Word that came to me...
I will raise up a people who will stand for My word and will not give in to man's opinion Fear not, for I am with you in these times of trouble, for this is a rebellious generation who mocks My Word and have decided for themselves that they will be their own god. Be bold and of good courage as you stand for righteousness and know that the cowardly and the fearful will not inherit eternal life. My courageous ones will stand and not be shaken because of their love for Me and I will reward them according to My word.