Monday, June 6, 2016

Stretch Assignment

My son recently was given an assignment which he termed as a "stretch assignment" and as I spoke to him on the phone, I began to look up the meaning. The definition of a stretch assignment is this: a stretch assignment is a project or task given to employees which is beyond their current knowledge or skills level in order to "stretch" employees developmentally. The stretch assignment challenges employees by placing them into uncomfortable situations in order to learn and grow.

I almost jumped out of my chair as I read this definition, because it gave me a visual of what God is doing with the Church right now. He calls ordinary men and women to do extraordinary exploits. He spreads super on our natural and then places us in uncomfortable situations; we call them trials, to do what we could not do without being anointed to perform a job, or to change from carnal to spiritual. He stretches us past what we think we can do in order to build up our trust level in Him {I can do all things through Jesus Christ who strengthens me} that may not be where it need to be. When the enemy strikes us, the Lord uses that very opportunity to develop our warring skills and prayer life. He gives us hinds feet to war effectly instead of boxing with the wind. When I was young in the faith, I cringed at trials, but when I became mature and have tried and tested the Word of God; I soared in times of trouble, because I know that my Deliverer lives. I can say, although I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for the Lord is with me. Hallelujah!!! We know that our names are etched in God's hands and that He calls us by our name. What and who shall we fear?

You may be going through something in this season, but beloved, trust God. This trial shall not overtake you. It will not destroy nor defeat you. The trial may appear to be beyond your scope of understanding, but keep the faith, your skills are being developed and stretched in this place so that you can minister and comfort others in the very near future, after you have become skilled in spiritual warfare. If a difficult relationship is your "stretch assignment" you will learn how to discern the spirit of a man or woman next time. If sickness is your "stretch assignment" you will become skilled in ministering healing, empathy and understanding for those who suffer. What if your issue deals with financial debt? Your stretch assignment is to learn how to correctly spend money and to have a savings. We learn something in every trial if we are wise to understand that our trial may be beyond our current level of understanding, but you will soon grow and mature to the level of the trial. It is in this place that you are able to maneuver through the trial without fear, because you know your God and have learned how to teach others how to avoid the pitfalls.

The seventy-two returned with joy and said, "Lord, even the demons submit to us in your name." Luke 10:7

Jesus placed His followers into a stretch assignment and sent them out to do ministry that was beyond their current ability up that point. They were shocked out of their minds and after the assignment they returned to Jesus with joy telling Jesus that the demons had to do what they said. They had witnessed Jesus healing many times before, but He didn't go with them on this assignment. He was stretching them beyond what they could have ever imagined to do and they did mighty exploits in the name of Jesus. He told them after they returned and not before that He had given them authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm them. vs. 19. Beloved, the Lord is doing the same for you. He is stretching you in this season to do greater works and to exercise the authority He has given you. You shall overcome all the power of the enemy as you trust the Spirit of the Living God who dwells in you. Take authority and realize that this "stretch assignment" will be over the minute you realize that you have been given power and authority by God to bind and loose in this season. This has been only a test; it is time to operate in real time. God bless you as you go forth in the name of Jesus.

Cynthia Brooks



  2. What is beyond our ability is not beyond His. He has us reach beyond ourselves and there we find Him
