For though I am free from all men, I have made myself a servant to all, that I might win the more…
For who is greater, he who sits at the table, or he who serves? Is it not he who sits at the table? Yet, I am among you as the one who serves.
It seems that I am always running and performing some kind of task each day. I am grateful for the quiet times, but they are coming far and few in between. I have come to that period in life when my children are grown and I have become the primary caretaker of my aging parent. I can’t believe how much life has changed for me and how difficult it has become. When I think of how busy I have become, I thank God for the energy to perform my responsibilities and it make me just that more thankful when I am able to have some down time to myself. I have a husband, seven adult children and their spouses, a full quiver of grandchildren (my precious jewels), I oversee a Church, blessed with some awesome friends and a sweet little dog. How blessed I am to have a life filled with people I love. Every minister’s life is divided between their personal lives and ministry responsibilities and we must make decisions to balance our lives to get the most out of it. If I put it all down on paper, I would say that there’s no way I could all get it done. It looks impossible to complete all the tasks I have to do in a day but somehow, I get it all done because I have come to realize one thing and that is, God has anointed me to serve.
But whenever I think my plate is full, I remind myself of my personal assistant’s platter; a woman who serves with loving grace and is the busiest woman I have ever known. I deeply admire her, for she has a heart of a servant and she demonstrates her love for others through her service to them. She's always helping others and do what she can to make life easier for them. Whether we go out of town on a ministry trip or stay in town, if someone forgets to pack something or need something, she will have it in her purse. This woman thinks of everything from the smallest detail and has an incredible memory. I am so thankful for her. Then there's one minister in our Church who prepares food and brings everything we will need to snack on during trips, from the condiments to drinks. She is extremely detailed in preparing for the ministry. On one ministry trip we took, she cooked breakfast for everyone the whole weekend. Another minister, who has been such an incredible example of love and service to mankind, took care of a woman’s baby she had just met in a store for months, until the mom was stable enough to care for her own child. I have never seen such a demonstration of selfless love toward another human being. But I realize all three of these women are anointed to serve.
My second youngest daughter is the same way. Tiffany is a servant of God, who has her plate full with three little children but still manages to help others in need. Whenever I need her to travel out of town with me, she never says no. She quickly comes to my rescue and helps in any way she sees a need. She is full of love and compassion and is growing to become a servant much like my personal assistant.
One thing I have observed about those who serve others without complaining and that one thing is, that these people are genuinely happy as they perform acts of kindness. No murmuring or complaining from these folks, for their joy is in being a blessing. I have always noticed those who were willing to put themselves out for others. These servants don’t serve for money or to be noticed; they naturally move into position because they are anointed by God to do so. Are you anointed to serve? Many will not understand that your gift is from God and that it is the Lord who has anointed you, to be blessed and to be a blessing.
My word to those who are servants of the Lord, serve with joy for great will be your reward in this life and in the one to come. Servants are givers, and givers never lose; they always gain to the fullest measure; pressed down, shaken together and running over to the full, will be their blessings, because the Word of God will not return to Him void. The blessings and favor of the Lord will fill their lives and people will call them blessed in due season.
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