I can sense the heaviness in the heart of Jesus for His beloved Church as the flames of her love dims to smoldering embers. Where is the love? Oh we think we are vessels of love, but we have allowed our love to fizzle. We can preach and teach the walls down and bring people to tears, but our inner fire is going out. We have become judmental, critical and unforgiving of others because we can "see" rght through them we profess, but are we discerning or assuming? Are we judging ourselves by the same standards? I can assure you we are not. We have become rebellious to the word of Jesus command to "love one another as I have loved you."
Jesus Christ knew that we would have difficult people within our fellowships and mandated us to love them anyway, especially those of the household of faith. No way am I going to love this person or that person, you say, because they did this or that, all the while not realizing there is a spiriual plumbline hanging next to us. Yes there's grace, but, we must apply grace and forgiveness to others.
I had a vision of a plumbline, measuring stick and a balance scale over a opened Bible concerning the Body of Christ. Our lives are being measured by the Word of God. We can all point to sin, but are we examining our lives regarding rebellion against authority or have we become proud and think that we know better than others? Korah continued to judge Moses and thought he was right until God judged him to his utter destruction. Rebellion and stubborness lies in the heart of many leaders who think they know better than the one God anointed and trust me, that is very dangerous territory to walk in. Our nation blatantly disrespects auhority and now it has seeped into the Church. We've never read where Jesus disputed the character of Ceasar. He respected Ceasars position.
Rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft and srubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry.... 1 Samuel 15:23
There are others who have a strong dislike for those who they "fellowship" with every week. What's wrong with this picture? We are commanded to l o v e one another. Our love isnt or shouldn't be based on feelings, but commandment. Love one another as I have loved you, is Jesus command. Can we hear the Lord? Are we so puffed up with flesh and self pride that we can't smell rotting flesh? Disobedient flesh has a stench which is perfume to demons. This is the reason so many are tormented; not realizing the many demons that are being drawn to them by the foul smell of hatred, anger, envy and pride. Demons are drawn to disobedience as flies are drawn to feces; excrement stinks! This same rebellious stench causes the Lord to retreat and He tells you to daw near to Him and He will draw near to you...resist Satan and he shall flee. His nasty negativity and judgemental attitude toward God's delegated authority and others in your life along with pride will flee from you. It's just that easy, but we must be honest with ourselves and our feelings that prevent us from walking in joy and pure love.
Love isn't optional; it's commanded. Love is patient and is kind. Love is not envy or boast; it is not arrogant. 1 Cor 13:4
There are many wonderful gifts and talents within our fellowships to bless others and to bring God glory, but we are not impressing God with our works without love. We impress Him first in our love walk, then our good works. Love boost our faith walk. We are like wandering waves going nowhere without godly love. Jesus is coming back for a Church without spot or wrinkle; to a mature Church oozing with the fragrance of love, for God is love. It blesses the heart of God when we love one another, not cheap talk or fake words, but genuine godly love for all. God is love and He requires that we look lie Him...LOVE.
Now this picture is a psalm 133 picture, and how the Lord would have us to live. Loving and supporting one another, forgiving and encouraging one another, gently correcting and guiding one another...in short being like Yeshuah. Now people made money and made the WWJD look cheesy, but we do need to ask ourselves what would Jesus do...and we need to ask Him to make out hearts like His...and I promise you, He will honor that prayer and do a mighty work in you
ReplyDeleteAmen sis, yes he will. It's so much easier than to hold a grudge and bitterness.
ReplyDeleteAmen sis, yes he will. It's so much easier than to hold a grudge and bitterness.