Many have written songs of being behind the veil and there's great curiosity of what it means to be there, but the truth is, we are not the same when we have truly been there. What does it really mean to be behind the veil, it's more than a sweet song. What does it cost to be granted entrance behind it and are we really willing to pay the price?
Those who are called holy by God have paid a price in sanctification. They have separated themselves from the thrills and deals of this world to be able to enjoy the presence of God. Anyone can look holy, but everybody can't walk holy. The Bible speaks of holiness unto the Lord and vessels of honor. Those who have developed a relationship with a Holy God to come out of the world. It's a beautiful walk with God, forsaking those things that others participate in and enjoy, but holy vessels have absolutely no interest in the works of the flesh.
Being separate from the world is not a difficult task if your heart and focus are on holy things. Media depicting murder, sex, stealing and the works of the flesh just don't tantalize the eyes of the righteous. Cursing, lying, gossip and slander don't interest the ears of those who desire holiness. Drugs, smoking, gluttony or drunkenness don't appeal to the flesh because they are satisfied by the enveloping presence of God.
While the world look upon the lives of those who have chosen to live righteous as boring, the righteous see all the heartache, hopelessness and darkness in the lives of those who have chosen to live empty, selfish lives either without God or with minimal connection with Him. The righteous see the pain behind the partying of those who live for the moment and certainly are aware of their end and what lies ahead for eternity regarding them.
The Word of God says, "blessed are they who hunger and thirst after righteousness for they shall be filled. Filled with what, we may ask? Filled with more of God...His glory, love, righteousness, goodness, peace, patience and the other fruit or virtues of God. Wisdom comes from God and the world can certainly use more wisdom. Not worldly wisdom that is limited to what our minds can fathom, but godly wisdom that is birthed from above and from the heart of God.
It cost to go behind the veil for real and when you come out you don't return to your own vomit again. You are finish with low living and useless exploits. You have experienced the glory of God and everything that is not like Him you will gladly reject. I don't understand why people fear the word holiness, except for conjured up images of what we have seen often in the churches which is the outer appearance of people trying to look holy in their dress and demeanor. True holiness is a vessel filled with the joy of the Lord and obedience to His word and will. It's walking love, pure concern for the welfare of others and being filled with faith. It's being massively in love with God.
The men chosen to go into the Holy of Holies in the Old Testament prepared themselves through the process of purification because they knew that going behind the veil any old way would result in their imminent death. Others couldn't tell if their hearts were right so a rope was tied around their leg to pull them out if they were just pretending to be holy because they were definitely going to drop dead. How many pastors and leaders would drop dead today if God didn't give grace? There would be mass howling of grief up to the heavens on Sundays if it were not for the grace of God.
Here's the point I'm making; some have emotional experiences and think they have had mountaintop experiences, but they are not changed and there are others who live sanctified lives and experience the weight of the presence of God and are changed individuals. What a shame to look holy and have an empty experience and no change. Seek God; He promises to be found and show you great and mighty things you did not know. Jesus is waiting for you.
Dos beautiful and true. Lord help us to hold on to You alone