I woke up recently during the night and I turned on CNN to see that China's and the Middle East Markets had fallen and I was shocked. I thought about the panic it would cause here in America in a few hours in what became known as "Black Monday." The financial market fell 1000 points in 10 minutes from opening in New York. News anchors were stating that Tuesday would be better, but the Markets were down Tuesday as well. Panic filled the hearts of the people as they worried about their personal finances. I thought, our world can change overnight.
Are you prepared?
Those who put their trust in finances will find themselves between a rock and a hard place very soon. We can't put our trust in our money, material things or plans. Our world as we have known it has changed forever and will continue to change as the people ignore God and continue to choose to leave Him out of their lives. If we trust in anything other than the saving grace of Jesus, then we will see our plans come to nothing.
Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God. Psalms 20:7
Our confession must be that our trust stands on the sure foundation of the Rock that is higher than we are and that Rock is Jesus. As Americans, we have a love affair with material things. Our worth is so dependent on how many toys we have. We measure success based on whether or not we own the latest car, home, (apartment or condo), computer or tablet, games and even how big our television is. Our worth depends on where we live, work, our salaries, clothes and even where we worship makes all the difference in the world whether we are accepted by others and even how we think about our own self image. We are proud of the beautiful edifices we go to Sunday after Sunday; we know our Pastors even if we don't know God. We are consumed and distracted by things. We must strive to stay in the faith and to be focused on God.
Here's my point in the matter; most Americans live in relative comfort compared to those who live in underdeveloped nations. We are surrounded by comfort and trust in our security systems and weapons, but are we concerned about being surrounded by the hand of God and His angelic guard? How much do we look to God for our security, trust and peace?
So many people are troubed to the point of depression or paranoia, because they may not have the latest new thing that is so important in our culture. We never think that our lives can drastically change in a moment by an earthquake, storm or dirty bomb. What if electricity was no more due to a sudden electromagnetic pulse? We could be knocked back 150 years as none of our "toys" would work. Will it be our end or would we trust in God?
We are on the verge of deep trouble...the shaking has began; yet we wake up each morning and go to sleep each night thinking that things are always going to be the same, but that's not so. Beloved, put your trust in God, not in chariots (cars) or our horses (Suv's) but in the name of the Lord our God. There is no other name to call on but Him that can save.
The poor fella on the interstate had plans to vacation, but his plans came to a screeching halt. Make your plans, but make sure that you know God.