Monday, June 19, 2017

Calling Right Wrong and Wrong Right

Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter. Isaiah 5:20

There is a way that seems right to a man, but it's end thereof leads to death. These are powerful words to remember. I may think that I'm right; I may want to be right, but my determination to know for sure if I'm right in found in the pages of the Bible.
The ways of the Lord leads to life and the ways of our simple opinions and wisdom that seems right, leads to death. The Apostle John spoke of a time when the people will think they are rich, but they are called poor by Jesus. They call themselves clothed, but they are naked; what would cause a person to believe a lie for the truth? The truth is that they are becoming blind by their own sins and pride. The people will say, "I have much; while having nothing." They believe that material things and money is wealth and that it brings happiness, but many people have gotten on drugs to be able to exist in a sea of things and empty of Christ. These things only dominate our mind and trick us into a false sense of security all the while robbing us from being dependent on God. Many think they have no need for God, for all that they need is in their bank accounts, fast and beautiful cars and friends to help them spend their money. The truth of the situation settles in their hearts when they are alone with themselves and think that if there's nothing greater than self, then they have nothing. A famous singer in this world said that she was not happy, as wealthy and as famous as she is, she feels empty. Many others have said the same thing, but few listen. We must realize that when we are aware of the presence of God and His greatness in our lives, then we don't have to depend on self, for our propensity will be toward Him, who is the lover of our soul.

Many get into a place where they believe their own lie that they are self made and this is the place where they get into trouble. We all answer to somebody, whether it be Satan or God. Satan doesn't come to us in a physical form, but in a subtle way with whispers or suggestions that lead to destruction. We can get caught up in the accolades of man telling us how great or wonderful we are which leads to pride. Never let anyone make you get caught up in self; but rather keep yourself grounded in God. We are nothing without our Lord...nothing. We must realize that as we yield our hearts to God and what He offers us, we will never feel the need to be lifted up by mere man. Jesus blesses us when we allow Him to touch our hearts and cover us with Himself. He desires for us to come to Him and be saturated and satisfied with Him and Him alone.

When we read and hide the Word in our hearts, we won't be confused with what is right and what is wrong. It is clearly stated in the Bible. Our opinion just don't matter; only His word and will matters. He want us to taste and see that He is good and that there is none like Him. Close your ears to those who call evil good and run after the One who is good and Holy. Blessings to you as you read this blog and know that the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous. Again, oh taste and see that the Lord is good.

Cynthia Brooks