Wednesday, February 19, 2014

The Winds of Change

The winds of change are blowing across the globe in every area; nations, politically, spiritually, weather patterns and financially.   Man has lost the respect for his fellow man and have become lovers of greed as they love and worship money and things.  We are living in a time of "suddenlies."  Sudden changes in weather patterns...bitter cold, massive snow storms, snow in areas where there is usually no snow, sudden switch in seasons and wallop, now there's tornado outbreaks and floods.  In our nation, there's  too much water on one side of the nation, while the other side experiences severe drought with the ongoing fears of breakout fires.  I won't even take the time to expound on sink holes, swallowing homes, cars and businesses. 

The world is experiencing global winds of change and are doing it suddenly.  Planes experiencing severe turbulence, which is the change in the winds and the nature of man has suddenly changed as well, which we are witnessing in the nations.  We have entered a spiritual twilight zone.  Why are the nations raging?  They really have no idea, except to say that are experiencing the changes of spiritual winds that are blowing across the world.

Our nation's view of morality and belief of the true God, has been replaced by total immorality and the worship of people and self..  We once worshiped the true God, but now we worship immoral people and their wacky thoughts. Those who sat through the Grammy Awards witnessed witchcraft and depravity at it's worst.  A couple who are worshipped by the masses danced onstage with the wife sitting on a chair opening her legs to entice the masses, with her sensual song and dance and with the full approval of her husband. Is money and fame worth a man's wife performing openly in front of millions of people like a stripper or brothel slave?   The audience loved it with a standing ovation.  (I will admit that another young woman twerked her silly, under developed body on the crouch of a married man, with her silly tongue hanging out on another show and she  got richer and more popular).  Back to the story. After the married couple finished,  the show went downhill with the church of Satan performing onstage with his choir, singers, band, a minister of Satan marrying both heterosexual and homosexual couples and the nation roared it's approval and acceptance.  An old singer, came out in a white suit; I guess she was representing some sort of god as the newly married couples cried to the lyrics.  Oh America, you haven't shed tears yet.  The winds of change and rebellion to the things of God swept over our nation as millions of young people witnessed this debauchery on television.

America, the winds of change is getting ready to blow in your cities because of your great disrespect for God.

How many church goers saw anything wrong with the Rose Bowl parade in California and the Grammy's?  These two events were a mockery to the things of God.  A mockery to marriage, holiness and to the honor of God and our children and grandchildren are indoctrinated into this madness. Are you teaching them that the open acts of sin is rebellion to God?  I pray you are.

If you don't feel moved to speak the truth and to go to the massive harvest, then something is seriously wrong with your love walk.

You may only be able to reach five people and tell them of the good news of Jesus Christ; so talk and pray for the five.  I must add this, you can't reach anyone if you have been balling with them. Get your walk together and then go after the lost, deceived and the broken.

If they don't listen, then it's on them, you would have done your part.  But, if they do listen, then you have won a brother or sister.  The issue something.  The world is getting ready to go though serious labor and birthing pains.  The waters has already began to break and the time of birthing is at hand. It is the darkest before the dawn and during this time of darkness that is blowing in, the glory of God will rest on you.  Arise old sleeping Church and be about your Father's business.

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