Monday, March 17, 2014

The Sound of Fullness

Silver and gold I have not, but what I have I give unto you.

The gospel of Jesus Christ that was delivered to the disciples was a gospel of fullness.  Once Jesus had sufficiently demonstrated kingdom miracles and principles to His disciples, He sent the seventy souls out to do what He had taught them. After they had worked the same miracles that Jesus worked, they returned to Him filled with joy and declaring that the kingdom miracles were at work in them declaring, "even the demons were subjected to them."

Operating in kingdom miracles produced immense joy within these men and  they returned to Jesus with the sound of joy.  The true gospel was preached, miracles wrought and praise broke out.  There's something about being in God's purpose for your life that will produce the fruit of joy.

A young man by the name of Pharrell, made a song called, "Happy" and it is indeed a happy song.  He sings, I feel happy, I feel like I'm in a room without a roof, I feel happy."  Other lyrics, "can't nothing keep me down," as different people dance in public places to this happy beat.  Their happiness is displayed by each individual dancing in public without fear in the presence for all to see.  Hold up; wait a minute, shouldn't we praise God without fear?  Most church folk like to whisper among themselves about the goodness of Jesus.

Jesus said that in Him we will have immense joy.  Jesus also spoke of those who believe in him will live the abundant life, producing precious inner fruit that cannot be hidden.  He said we were like candles on a hill and that the world would know us because of the love we would have for one another.  True love produces the fruit of joy or happiness.  The fruit of the Spirit can't be hidden, nor faked.  It's all up in your face and it affects those around you because of its purity.

Jesus said, "man didn't give you this joy and man can't take it away."  So, if you really are spirit filled, produce fruit.  Men and women of God have prophesied that this is the year of open heavens concerning the Church and yet there are more conferences targeting depressed and broken church folk.  Many leaders really don't  want their people free so that they can stay dependant on them instead of powerful for the kingdom.  Shame on them.

Pharrell's song says, he feel like a room without a roof and nothing can keep him down.  A room without a roof sounds like an open heaven to me.  Pharrell saw no limitations because there is no ceiling over him, but you precious people of God, have an open Heaven over you because of Jesus.

Nothing should be able to keep you down that praise can't remove.  Your issue may not change, but the way you view it should. Encourage yourself,  stir up the gift that is within you.  Stop whining to people who enable you to be a victim...there are no kingdom victims. Have no conversation with career complainers who feast off any anointing you may have.  Happiness is relegated to your circumstances, but the joy of the Lord remains despite of your struggles or issues.

Show the world what you're working with.  There is a sound of joy and happiness that the world need to see coming from the vessels of God.  Remember, there's nothing that can keep a saved man or woman down because you know what you're working with.  The apostles said, silver and gold I have other words they said, "I don't have any money (sounds familiar) but I am full of the power of God and from the depository of kingdom power that is within me, I'm going to bless you.  I don't think that the people were simply healed; I believe they received joy and peace as well. 

Beloved, release the sound of fullness of the fruit of the Spirit into the atmosphere and into your territory this year of opens heavens and let nothing keep you down.  Hallelujah!!!!!

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