Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Anointed for Friendship

How much do I love thee; let me count the ways...

I am the caretaker of a few family members at this time and I find myself working harder than I want at most times. From being the caretaker of my mother to grandchildren, husband and the ministry. I have many challenges as a caretaker and I never have a boring moment. Many of my friends are also caretakers of family members and these women are remarkable. They care for their families and God's family and do it all without complaining. God bless all caretakers for your faithfulness and for displaying God's love in action.

In the midst of all the challenges I face, I have wonderful friends who are loving enough to call me and tell me to take the time to rest. Some of my friends from Michigan, Atlanta, Virginia and Massachusetts have called me and tell me to slow down and take care of myself. One friend told me that the Lord had given her a dream and she told me to REST and she wasn't playing with me. She is recovering from surgery herself. What an unselfish act of love. In her pain, she remembered me. So, I layed down and rested (I didn't even know I was tired) and I slept off and on for 16 hours. I am refreshed and renewed, hallelujah! How blessed I am.

So often, we think that a friend will always have sweet words for us or agree with us, but a true friend will tell you the truth for your good. True friendship, whether it is between spouses, family members or friends want the best for the one they love. True friendship always seek to help, build, encourage, correct and want to see their friend reach their fullest potential. My son told me to pray for a friend of his that was looking for employment. He is very concerned about his friend's mental state. Another son is praying for the spritual maturity of one of his friends and I am so blessed that these young men love others with the love of God. They care!

I grieve everytime I hear a person say that they don't have or want any friends because they either have been burned or have burned someone themselves. Friends and relationships are one of the sweetest gifts God has given to humanity. Of course, I am speaking of good friends who love the Lord and love you with His love.

There are so many programs on television that display evil friends who do devilish things to the people they are suppose to be friends with. I pray that this isn't the way people treat each other these days or being mean is the latest trend, because if it is, it's a travesty. It grieves me when I hear of those who commit suicide, because they oftentimes are reclusive people who didn't feel as if they could share their pain or receive other people's love who cared for them. It is always a terrible loss for families and those who loved them.

Anyway, purpose in your heart to love others as you love yourself. You will then be displaying the nature of God in your life. Bless others and the blessing will roll right back at ya. Be exceedingly blessed as you receive an impartation of God's love and then demonstrate His love to others.


  1. Caregivers are God's secret weapons.....

  2. Caregiving is a selfless act of God but one must care for self that Gods love in them can be shared...

  3. Caregiving is a selfless act of God but one must care for self that Gods love in them can be shared...

  4. Minister Joanetta, you are correct, we must make sure that we are getting the proper rest and relaxation so that we can continue to love others as we love ourselves.
