Wednesday, March 20, 2013

A Heavenly Mindset

Set your mind on things above, not on earthly things. Col 3:2

But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin. 1 John 1:7

Have you ever noticed how much the cares of this life wear you down emotionally? I often hear people say that they feel depressed or they feel as if they are carrying the weight of the world on their shoulders. They have no idea why they feel the way they do, but they just feel emotionally out of sorts. Their soul is cast down because they are putting too much time and thoughts on earthly things. We are to set our minds on things above, heavenly things, to stay in a place of peace.

The carnal things of the earth produce temporary pleasure, but the things above, those things that resonate from the heavenly realm, produce the joy of the Lord. We have to press our way to keep spiritual thoughts in our minds. The sweetest melodies can be in our hearts in the midst of trouble when we set our minds on the things of God. We have to make up our minds to set our thoughts on things that produce joy. The Bible says that we "cast down" every thought and imagination that exalts itself above the knowledge of God. Negative thoughts, worries and the cares of this world only bring a sorrowful countenance and depression. Inner thoughts like, "I don't have...they don't like me...I need this or that...are all thoughts that bring us into an emotional slump. Replace these negative thoughts with, "thank you, Jesus for all you have done for me...I have sonship with Christ...I am more than a conqueror through Jesus Christ who strengthens me! How can we stay in an emotional slump when we think of the goodness of Jesus? How can we ignore the move of the Holy Spirit in our lives to be our comforter, help and guide.

Selfish people often suffer from dark emotions because they are always thinking of how they can control someone to get them to do something for them. Here's a word for selfish folk, go out and buy some food and find a homeless or poor family to give it to. Find someone who is elderly or sick and offer to go the to the store for them or help them clean their house. Visit a hospital lobby and pray for the love ones who are waiting to visit their sick or dying love ones. Go to a store and help someone who has a large family pay for their purchases or the next time you visit a restaurant, pay for the next person's meal order. If you can't do anything else, make a list of people and pray for each one; stand in the gap for those who minister to other people for their strength. Do something; get out of your selfish world and perform an act of kindness and I guarantee you will no longer cry about your selfish needs.

To the unforgiving people, remember if you don't forgive others, you are not forgiven by Father either. Hold on to unforgiveness and you are opening yourselves up for sickness and stress. Remember, you are not the only one who has suffered an injustice, but to forgive sets YOU free. Remember, unforgiveness is a heavy burden and it is like you drinking poison and expecting the other person to die. Unforgiveness can steal years from your life and it can make you a bitter person. The enemy want to steal your peace and keep you from dancing in the presence of the Lord.

To the disobedient who call themselves Christian; keep playing, you will pay more than you can ever imagine. You are a saint in the Church on Sunday, shouting, dancing, spitting and crying in front of the Church and sowing discord and cutting up when you're not in Church. I hope you are not telling people that you are a "christian, but if you are, shame on you. Come out of darkness and walk in the light where Christ is.

We are commanded to walk in the light and one thing is for sure, you can't fake light. You can fake lots of things, but not the light of Christ. What is your conversation in private, is it uplifting or is it categorized with the unmentionables. Set your mind...your heart on heavenly things above and not on earthly things. We spend far too much time on thinking about ourselves, our needs or our wants. We think of how we can get others to serve our wants instead of being a blessing to others. Set your mind on walking in the light as Christ is in the light.

Jesus thoughts and heart was on loving others and He told us to do the same to one other. His desire is for you to walk in victory. Walk in the light or saying it another way, walk in the glory realm. There is awesome fellowship in the glory realm and it is a realm that once you experience it, you will not want to ever walk in darkness again. You won't have thoughts of me, me and more me, for your thoughts will be on love and blessing others. Your love steps will expand from a shuffle to a march as you move to the beat of the sound of Heaven. Trust me, when you ascend this realm in your mind to the heavenly realm, your steps are lighter and your joy is expanded as God strengthen you for revelations and encounters of the Heavenly kind.

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