Friday, March 1, 2013

Stay Connected to the Source

Stay with me and I'll stay with you. Just like branches can't bear fruit on their own unless they're attached to the vine, neither can you bear heavenly fruit unless you're attached to me. John 15:4

If you detach yourself from me, your spirituality will shrivel up and die, just as a branch will shrivel up when it's cut off from the vine. John 15:6

Just as a fish cannot live outside of water, you can't live spiritually without God. So many times we think that we can live without doing regular Bible study and prayer, but we will eventually shrivel up and die. We receive wisdom in the Word of God that will guide us throughout our lives if we submit to it.

We rush through life busying ourselves with projects that seem important to us without taking the precious time to get in the presence of the Lord. We promise ourselves that we will do better and get ourselves together, but we can't find the time. We even do ministry being detached from Jesus, not realizing that we can still perform ministry as a dry vessel detached from God, because the gifts and callings of God are irrevocable. People can be changed because of the message we preach, but we can become a castaway, able to move people to Christ and miss it ourselves. The message of Jesus brings salvation and not the person who preaches it.

In the first moments of our waking day, many of us don't take the time to thank Him for bringing us through the night or giving us life another day. We take each breath for granted, thinking nothing about the one who is giving us our very breath. We make our plans for the day without even asking God to order our steps and entering into a place with God before doing anything else. We think that we must rush through the day and busy ourselves with our regular schedules. We thank Him when we get the time and we pray when trouble arise. How can we be anointed when we can't stay focused on God?

We are working off our own strength which is why we produce very little fruit to bless others. It takes a while to notice that we are working off vapors of what was once a full flame of fire. The flame has gone out and the little stream of vapor is the only thing remaining as we try to function on an anointing that is no longer there. We have detached ourselves from the souce, the fire of the Holy Spirit and have allowed ourselves to become distracted by the cares of this world.

So, we must make a conscious effort to get into God's presence before we do anything else. We need to focus our spirit on Jesus before we open our eyes and receive the anointing we need to function for the day. When you get up in the morning, put on some praise and worship music to set the atmosphere of your home. Don't cut on the NEWS to see what is happening in the world the first thing in the morning; cut on music or the Bible on CD to put your spirit man in sync with God. This will put you in the mood to spend time with the Lord. Set a time for study sometime in the day and this will become a habit. Your prayer will move you into praise and then worship, which will strengthen and prepare you for the challenges of the day. You will not feel defeated when the darts of Satan are thrown at you, for you have already had your spiritual meat.

Many people use their cars as their prayer closet. Whatever it takes to keep you connected to the power source of the Holy Spirit will work. We need a daily dose of the Holy Ghost. The harvest is waiting for us to impart peace to their hearts and we can deliver because we have allowed the glory of God to fill us again and again. The redeemed who are going through hard situations need a word of comfort and hope from those who have been with the Lord in spirit. We need to flex our spiritual muscles of prayer and get crunked up for God. We will find that in the midst of our personal storms that we will find contentment. The challenges that confront us each day will not frustrate us, because the Holy Spirit will bring back to our remembrance what we have heard through His Word and by His Spirit.

I pray that as you read this blog that God's glory fill you and surround you. I pray that you allow your heart to be hooked up, bound and shackled to our Beloved Jesus. I pray that you will take the time to communicate with Father daily; that He becomes your daily Bread and the very air you breath I speak that nothing shall separate you from the love of God that has been poured in you by God Himself. I pray that your feet are anointed to walk in peace, for your feet are beautiful in the sight of the Lord. I pray that you are strengthened by the Holy Spirit and that you run this race with the full assurance that you are running the race of victory. Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. You will be able to subdue ground that is your destiny and not retreat in the face of the enemy, for you know that he is a defeated foe. He has been bluffing you so far and distracting you with circumstances, but you have been given the strategy and the blueprint of the enemy's plans against you to defeat him, You have been anointed to walk in spiritual authority and boldness as long as you stay connected to God. I declare that this is your victory month; march boldly knowing that you will defeat those giants in your life if you stay focused on Christ. Your steps are ordered by the Lord and if you submit to Him, He will give you the triumphant victory over every obstacle, so stay connected to God.

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