Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Let the Church Say, Amen!

Again, I say to you that if two of you agree on earth concerning anything that they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in Heaven. For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.
Matthew 18:19-20

Three sisters in the Lord stood together holding hands to pray for total healing of sickness, financial issues and lack of power in the Body of Christ. The lead person prayed and decreed with power over these issues. She understood that where two or three come together in agreement, asking anything, that nothing would be withheld from them. The look of agreement was there, but one sister was thinking, "I hope this works" and the other one was thinking about what she was going to eat when the prayer time was finally over. Later, the sister who was full of faith in her belief of corporate prayer was dumbfounded that sickness is continuing in the Body, people's finances are still messed up and there is still no power to do miracles, signs and wonders. She didn't realize that there were three present for prayer, but there was no agreement between the three, because the mindset was doubt and distraction. You must know the people you are praying with by the spirit before you come into agreement with them. Everyone can't pray for or with you and believe me, you are better off praying alone, with your faith intact, than to pray with someone who has little faith or a distant relationship with God.

Agreement, agreement, agreement! The word agreement means harmony, oneness, mutual understanding and being of the same mind. Satan hates this virtue and is vigorously fighting the Body of Christ in this very hour to keep us from coming into this beautiful state of oneness with one another.

We see the battle scars of discord from the enemy in marriages, between siblings, church members and strained friendships. Satan attacks a weak person's mind with ungodly thoughts against another to bring division in the relationship. Jesus had his hands full dealing with human nature after selecting the twelve men he brought together to follow him. He had to take twelve ordinary men who possessed personalities that had to be brought under submission and His teachings, to walk in unity to get the job done.

We can prevent division by focusing on Christ and submitting to His Word to be of one mind. It is worth everything to fix broken relationships and let the world see Christ in us at work in unity. Some relationships are strained because one spouse may be submitted to God and the other spouse totally unsubmitted. The Word says that the unsubmitted spouse is sanctified because they live with the Believer. The truth is, we may never totally agree with anyone on everything, but in prayer, there must be agreement to see what you are expecting come to manifestation.

I think we often forget that if we are on one accord, we can petition God and He will answer us. This is the problem with many ministries. The overseer may have a vision from the Lord, but will find it difficult to bring the vision to fruition because those with him or her will not be in agreement in prayer or declaration to bring it to pass. The members may not necessarily be against a vision; just indifferent to it and that will cause a vision to abort as well, because the full anointing of power to believe will not be released to see it manifested.

Seek those who have the same heart as you and stand strong with them. If you can believe God in this season, you will see His strong arm to do a mighty work in and through your life. The Lord is calling us to enter into His rest (ah, that sweet place)as we occupy until He comes. The work we are to do is easy, for His yoke is easy and His burden is light. We will know that we have entered His rest because, we will bask in His peace. Even in light of persecution, affliction and tribulations, we know that God will anoint us to go through with grace. The hard places that we have gone through to test us has made us tougher for what lies ahead. The anointing we have seen on those in the Bible to go through the tough things will be on us. Our worship and intimacy with the Lord, will grant us a greater level of tolerance to bear the difficult things we will see and hear on the earth, that will cause men's heart to faint for we know that God is with us. When we can't see God's hand; we trust His heart. Expect miracles in this season and God's hand of provision concerning you to complete the vision He has placed in your heart as we pray for and with one another. Let the Church say, amen!

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