Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Shifting the Atmosphere

The atmospere is shifting. This year has started off with strange climatic changes as the temperature rose to record breaking highs in the middle of the nation which produced a wicked weather system. The temperature hit 76 degrees in Memphis and the 60's in Chicago. Strong storms in the middle of winter, swept through the middle of the nation that produced tornadoes, strong winds, severe storms, downed trees and flooding hit many of the cities involved. The very next day the weather shifted to colder temperatures. The entire nation is suffering from the plague of disease from the flu, upper respiratory issues, stomach issues and achy joints; sickness is everywhere. Mental illness is soaring as people live in fear. South American crops are suffering from a fungal disease that will ultimately effect the cost of food in that country and others that they export goods to, just as our nation suffered from droughts and flooding in 2012. Food prices in our nation are not the only prices that will escalate, but also clothing from the cotton crop being hit as well. Can we discern the times? Can we discern the seasons? Are we living as if nothing has changed? If the seasons have changed; the nations have changed; the weather has changed, don't we need to change as well?

You are no longer living in times of comfort in things remaining the same. Change is here and moving fast in the unfamiliar. We are living in changing times and we need to change with the times. Jesus said we are uable to know the times and the seasons to discern spiritual timing. Just as Americans are preparing for the biggest game of the year; the Superbowl, Christians need to prepare for the greatest event to hit the Universe and that is for the sons of God to be revealed and to rule. Change is all around us and we are blind if we can't see it. The entire planet is calling us to take position. It is game time, Saints. It is time to make sure that your calling and election is a sure thing and to get ready for your royal identity to be revealed to the world.

We are not to worry, be dismayed or afraid of anything that is to come upon the earth, for we should already know what is rolling down the track, because Jesus already told us in His word and by the Holy Spirit. Father is shifting the atmosphere spiritually and naturally toward His plans and purposes. The kingdom of God has suffered violence, but the violent will take it back by force. There is no fear when we trust in God, for we are never to lean on own understanding...we lean and rest in Him. Enter into that sweet place in Him and in all your getting, get an understanding of the times and the seasons. Be exceedingly blessed.

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