I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come. I say; My purpose will stand and I will do all that I please. Isaiah 46:10
So is My word that goes out from my mouth. It will not return to Me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it. Isaiah 55:10
Why do the saints of God worry and stress themselves out over life's situations? We are blessed to own Bibles that reveal the truths of God to us and to give us wisdom. God has revealed to us that all things will work out for our good if we love Him and are called according to His purposes. So where is the disconnect in the minds of so many Believers? I constantly hear Believers speak as if there is no hope for their lives and that their personal problems will overcome them. I personally think this is a total insult to God, who has told us that if we ask anything in His name and we don't doubt, that we will have what we ask. His word will not return to Him empty; He will perform His word. He has given us an instruction Book to live by and to live the victorious and abundant life.
Believe God and prosper! God has a plan and purpose for you and His desire is to see us become His glorious and prosperous people on the earth. He has given us salvation, grace, fruit and gifts. Believe it or not, we are the most blessed people on this planet. We possess the glory of God within us and we have been given the capacity to love as God love. Being filled with His anointing and love, we are able to do mighty miracles and deliverance to set the sick and captive free. We should not be easily moved by external issues of our society. We serve the true and living King and He loves us.
We have been given access to the greatest power in the Universe, an open door to the Heavenlies, where angels are moved and dispatched on our behalf. At the sound of your voice Heaven takes notice. There is no place on this planet that you can travel and the presence of God not be there with you. Not one tear can drop without an angel noticing it. Angels fly and move objects so that you don't injure yourself. God dispatches angels to prevent you from being involved in near fatal or fatal accidents and to scare away criminals from your door. He whispers in your ear not to go down a certain street where a criminal lies in wait to attack the next unsuspecting victim. God invade your sleep through dreams in the night watches to warn you of the plans and strategies of the enemy, so that you can pray or avoid certain situations or people. If you eat foods that are poisoned (salmonella, echoli or botulism) God promises that we will not be harmed by it.
We have total access to the Father, in the name of Jesus, to do whatever God has spoken in His Word concerning us. Are we using what has so generously and richly been placed within us by God to set the captives free or are we just living day by day watching time go by? Too many are wasting time doing their own pleasures, instead of advancing the Kingdom of God. We are worried about bills and the cares of this world, instead of walking by faith with the assurance that God is Yahweh Jireh, our Provider. Whether it's horrible storms, pestilence or outbreak diseases; know that God is your covering. He is your Shepherd and you will lack nothing.
It is time for the Body of Christ to provoke the world to jealousy by demonstrating God's Kingdom on the earth. The world is watching us and we must understand that they will not applaud us, but when the tree began to shake again, they will run to us to receive peace and comfort from the things that will breakforth on the earth. Isaiah 60.
Fly high like an eagle and don't look down or back, yearning to peck with the chickens again in dusty barnyards. Gird up and ready yourselves to be a blessing to a dying world. Whether we suffer spiritual persecution or rejection, we will not miss a beat to God's timing for it is a season of entering into God's rest and understanding that we no longer have to strive in our walk; just rest in God as we obey the call to "go forth." God's word will stand that we will do mighty works and that He has a plan to prosper you and give you a future. He has sent His word and He will perform it...and that is the truth!
Apostle Cynthia,
ReplyDeleteThis is the same word that the Lord has been speaking to me. You are always a great source of light and encouragement for me. Thank you for all you are doing to help so many. May the Lord of Glory shine brightly your way!
Happy New Year!
Thank you, woman of God. It is wonderful how our God confirms His Word in His people. May God's favor flow richly in your life.