Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Anointed to Hear

The Lord God has given me the tongue of the learned, that I should know how to speak a Word in season to him who is weary. He awakens me morning by morning; He awakens my ear to hear as the learned. Isaiah 50:4

There is and has been in the past, so much interest in eschatology and what will happen before the end of the age. End time events are on the tongue of almost everyone from the saved to the unsaved. When I was a young woman, traveling preachers would come through the city and talk about the things that would happen before the return of Christ and I can clearly remember how these preachers would pack the house. Everyone wanted to know what was going to happen. When these preachers would preach about the end times, it was more interesting than science fiction stories. Unbelievable events were forecasted and the Book of Revelation was the scariest book ever. I can remember people who would not dare read it, because they didn’t understand it and one thing is for sure, many preachers didn’t understand it either.

Anyone with any sense can tell that we have shifted from looking forward to the last days and being propelled into the last days. We are witnessing amazing changes on the earth, from catastrophic weather, to living in a time where man’s brutal inhumanity to man is unbelievable.

God has prepared His Church to be able to withstand the hardships, crime and every other issue of living in these dark days. We live in a time when there is very little demonstration of love and no peace on the earth. Everywhere we look is problems and evil, but God has anointed His people with the fruit of peace, to live in and manuever through the maze of trials in these times. The remnant live in peace, but we have to remember that our peace, is not to keep to ourselves. We are called to spread the good news of God's peace to a dark world. Our lives speak volumns to those who are around us. We are living epistles, read by ALL men. People are watching us to see if our peace and love are real. Spread the love!

Those who belong to God are experiencing a surge of His power in our lives to walk in kindness, love and compassion. We are being endowed with His wisdom that surpasses human understanding, to perform the assignments God has given us. He oftentimes, will give us a word in the wee hours of the morning, as we yield to the Holy Spirit speaking to our spirit. He reveals His heart in our circumstances as we wake up and thank Him for another day. He will give us a dream about a person or ourselves and will reveal to us how to deal with them, or God will speak into our spirits to know how to work with a situation we are dealing with.

God speaks to us in the night watches to reveal His heart, to pour out a greater anointing, give us instruction, drench us with His wisdom, give spiritual discernment and reveal prophetic vision. He speaks into our spirit His will for us to walk in His goodness and mercy, so that we will know how to comfort the hurting and speak life to the weary.

Thank you, Father, for giving us wisdom and understanding to live and survive in these times and to speak things that we could not have known without you. God reveals to us how to walk in His authority and power for our good and His glory. This is the gift of prophesy, this is the gift of God; He is the master teacher.

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