The one who keeps His commandments abides in Him, and He in Him. We know by this that He abides in us by the Spirit whom He has given us.
1 John 3:24 NASV
The person who lives by God’s law of love is living out Christ’s spirit in his own life. We know that God is living in us by the kind of spirit we have.
1 John 3:24 Clear Word
I have always loved watching salmon swimming and jumping upstream in the rivers of the Great Northwest. Swimming upstream is not an easy feat, but these fish are so persistent in what they do, in spite of the fact that it is easier to be caught by humans and grizzly bears hunting them on the way to their mating ground, they forge onward and upward.
In many ways, those who are in Christ are much like these fish. We are moving against the stream of popular opinion in our beliefs and actions as we walk in the spirit. The world is totally perplexed by the way we think, believe and live. God causes us to walk in supernatural favor as we practice His law of love toward our fellowman. The natural man views us as fools, to say the least, as they see us love and forgive those who hate us or do us wrong. The world’s way is to hate and avoid those who hurt them or are different from them, but our way is to love those who offend, hurt or dishonor us. We are instructed by the Word of God, to do good to those who despitefully use us and to pray for, as well as bless them.
The Word says that when we live by God’s law of love, that we are living out Christ’s spirit in His own life. His life is in us by means of the Helper; the precious Holy Spirit. I thought this was interesting for it doesn’t say “our” own lives, but HIS, own life. Our lives do not belong to us; we belong to Him for He lives in us by His Spirit. We are told that we know if we really belong to Him by the kind of spirit that lives in us. So, here’s the cold facts…what’s in us will flow out of us. What’s coming out of you? Does it represent God or Satan? Does your conversation represent light or darkness? There’s a commercial that states, “What’s in your pocket?” Well, my question is, “what’s in your heart!”
The Holy Spirit, who resides within us, is the embodiment of perfect or agape love, which means our spirit is wrapped in love. We know that we personify love when we obey the law of love by going about being a blessing to those we come in contact with.
I have finally figured it out. It’s not always in the preached word that wins people over. We can say what we want, but it’s in our love walk that will cause others to follow us or listen to us. We can strike like a cobra when we are verbally attacked, but we resist the urge to do so, that we may win one to Christ. Our lives should be screaming out to the world, “look at me, I know the way to life…follow me, because I am following Christ.” Our love walk speaks volumes and although we may never hear what is being said about us, others will boast of your actions. Every time you get into a possible altercation with a person, there will always be someone who will witness your actions and response. Be careful saints, how you respond to situations that may be stressful or intentionally orchestrated by Satan to make you sweat. Respond with the knowledge that you are always under surveillance by the spirit world and the natural world. Your behavior will either represent godly character or areas of your life that still need deliverance and maturity.
The amazing thing is how much freedom we experience, when we decide to walk in love. Love is freedom at its best. Our mind is free to breath in God. The fragrance and aroma of God is on us as we go about doing good in God’s presence. The mantle of love that is on us will affect atmospheres and dimensions. We will draw people to us by living in the image and likeness of God.
When darkness hit the lives of people who don’t understand how to love, they may be the ones who will really test us to see if our love walk is real. But, if we continue to project God’s image in our daily lives and embrace His love within us, we will preach without saying a word, that God’s love and people are real. Celebrate love today and embrace new dimensions as you walk in the spirit of perfected love.
I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know Him better. I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know, the hope to which He has called you, the riches of His glorious inheritance in the saints, and His incomparably great power for us who believe. Ephesians 1:17-19
My, my, my, what an awesome promise for those who are filled with the precious Holy Spirit and who understand that our love walk doesn’t depend on our situations or circumstances. Jesus will cause the Spirit of wisdom and revelation to fall on us like a comfortable blanket and make known to us, His magnificent glory in our lives. To know that as we love God and display our love through the act of worship, will cause us to know the Creator of the Universe personally, and He will show us great and mighty things that we could only know through His Spirit. Nothing will be concealed from us by the Father and we will operate in levels of glory that will propel us into new atmospheres.
True worship with the Father births perfect love and the love of God is poured out on others in our lives through compassion, mercy and grace. Worship + love = God’s glory on and in us. No more struggles with the carnality of the flesh, for in this place of worship; love is matured. We choose to obey the law of love toward God and man, which pleases Father. Love changes the ambiance of the home, the work place and even the Church. When perfect love is released, it changes us as well as those whom it rains on through us. People may not know the way to life, but when they see the love of God demonstrated through His sheep, their character slowly change. This is why the Lord says to love your enemies and those who despitefully use us; to do good and bless them. This love will cause them to see the glory of the Lord on our lives and will challenge their ungodly way of thinking. We forgive to release ourselves from bondage, but we love to usher in the presence of God, which changes the atmosphere and ushers us into new dimensions in God.
There is no way to walk in the glory of God without walking in His abundant love. I praise Him for who He is and for who He has called us to be, in these last days, the greatest days for the Church of the living God before His glorious return.
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