Friday, June 24, 2011


The desires of our human nature and the desires of the Holy Spirit are not the same thing. They are like two powerful forces pulling in opposite directions, so you can’t always depend on what you feel as being the right thing to do. Gal 5:17

In the life cycle of a Christian, there will be war! It will not be a war with a nation, city, or foe, but a war within the self. It will be a war, orchestrated by the Holy Spirit to make us conscious that we truly needed a Savior. The knowledge that the Holy Spirit brings to our inner man is that we are so unlike God. If we desire to walk with the Lord, He will bring knowledge and understanding to our hearts, for our ways are not His ways and our thoughts are not His thoughts. We battle with ourselves whether to do the right thing or satisfy our soulish realm. We battle to walk holy before God, or to do a quick dip back into our former, carnal behavior.

When someone hurts us, or we have been done an injustice, our carnal nature tells us to respond in a negative way to get even, and the Holy Spirit within us, rejects the idea and will remind us to forgive the person and that God is aware of the injustice committed toward us and He will repay. Sounds good, but we know that God’s system of dealing with our offenders is far too slow. So we struggle with feeling justified in exonerating ourselves against the wrong done to us. The only problem with payback is that we never feel satisfied with our actions for very long, when we take matters into our own hands and doing it our way. We end up repenting for our words and behavior.

We may be struggling with a personal sin issue and want to be free of it, but our flesh will keep calling us to do what we hate to do. We will hear God in a still small voice in our spirit man to walk away, turn around, don’t touch, or remain silent. This is the place where the war begins within us and where the battle rages in our minds to determine who we will obey; our sinful nature or the Holy Spirit. God did not intend for us to war in the flesh, but to war in the spirit; for we do not fight with our fists, knives or bullets, but with prayer, for the weapons of our warfare is mighty in God, to the pulling down of strongholds and every thought and imagination that exalts itself against the knowledge of God. Sin begins in our minds.

When we mature to the point that we acknowledge that our thoughts will either make us or break us, then we will begin the process of doing the right thing every time. Sinful thoughts may cross our minds, (Satan will make sure of this) but we choose to entertain that thought. As we continue to entertain thoughts of sin, turning that sinful thing over and over in our mind, then we will eventually act on it. The thought (or seed) begins in the mind and we choose to marinate on the thought to bring it to fruition. As we continue in this cycle, then what was first only a thought now has become a habit.

When we finally relinquish our issues to the Lord, we will soon find out that we have victory over whatever issues the enemy thought we would never overcome. We will find that we not only have received power over that “thing” that had us bound, but we will also find that God will inspire us to be productive instead of defeated. Where at one time we thought we would never overcome a bad habit or sin issue, we now find that not only have we overcome our issues, but we have found ways to be creative in the time we formerly wasted in operating in the works of darkness. I can hear in my spirit right now the old song,
He has made me glad,
He has made me glad,
I will rejoice for He has made me glad. Victory is mine!!!!!!!!!!!

Why am I glad? I'm glad because those things that plagued me in the last season, don't move me anymore. I have learned a thing or two about becoming an overcomer and how sweet it is!!! Prayer, praise and worship are the keys to staying on the narrow path and to walk in the spirit. There are times we will find ourselves in tears as we are transformed from carnal to spiritual. It is not an easy path, but it is a peaceful path. The more we practice holiness and put on praise, it becomes easier to walk correctly before our God. He will repay our efforts with His peace and strength for this journey of life and will cause His blessings to fall on us, like dew in the morning.

When they pass through the Valley of Weeping, they will find a spring of comfort. Blessings will fall on them like a gentle rain. They will go on from strength to strength until they see you face to face. Psalms 82:6-8

1 comment:

  1. Yes, we fight these battles on our knees - in prayer. Then "victory is mine, victory is mine, victory today is mine. I told Satan - get thee behind - victory today is mine!"
