When we think of the Mark of the Beast, immediately we think of micro chips being placed in the hand or forehead during the tribulation. The number of the beast is 666 and the number of man is 6, which represents the flesh. For this study, I am not talking about that Mark of the Beast or the number of the beast, but the mark or sign that tell us whether we are operating in the fruit of the Spirit or the works of the flesh.
A young couple contacted me who live in another city, telling me that they had not attended Church in some time because they hadn’t found a Church they both enjoyed. Finally, they visited a Church they liked but, was a little taken back by the way the congregation dressed. The couple felt that the dress was very old fashioned, but thought that the services were wonderful and wanted to return the next Sunday. They were excited to go to Church and when they arrived the next Sunday, they were greeted by several “church” folks, telling them that their kind was not welcomed in their Church because of the way they dressed and that they should find another Church to worship in. Needless to say, this young couple was deeply hurt and embarrassed.
There is a “mark” or shall I say, “sign” that operate in most Christians that we don’t like to claim, and should be overcoming, but because we don’t want to take careful examination of our own selves, we overlook our issues. We can easily see the works of the flesh in others, but we can’t see ourselves. We judge, criticize, point fingers, and disassociate ourselves from other Christians, while all the time we are guilty of an issue that is just as serious. We pray and intercede and point out others sins, all while being just as guilty as the ones we judge. Jesus told the Pharisees, that they behaved just like their father; Satan. Now that is deep. So, let’s take a serious look at the mark (sign) of the beast (satan) or signs of the flesh that are still resident in some of us. The flesh is the earthly part of man and deals with our lusts and desires. The number 6, represents flesh and it is earthly, sensual and selfish and we must eradicate this beast from our lives.
Galatians 5:19-21 it reads: The acts of the sinful nature is obvious: sexual immorality, impurity, debauchery, idolatry and witchcraft, hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambitions, dissensions, factions and envy, drunkenness, orgies and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God.
Now we know that the works of darkness or works of the flesh, will keep us out of eternity with God, but there are hidden issues that we see in the Church today that are just as dangerous and we see it all the time.
One can claim to be “born again,” and still fall into one of the following categories in the Hall of Shame.
• A critical person: A condemning person who appoints themselves to police
the Body of Christ
• A cynical or sarcastic person: this is a mocking spirit
• Accusative person: forever blaming others and charging them with wrongdoing
• A mean spirited person: malicious or bad tempered, unfair
• A moody person: temperamental, grumpy, irritable, unstable
• A harsh person: cruel, callous, inconsiderate, unkind, insensitive
• A judgmental person: critical, negative, disapproving and condemnatory
• A gossiper: one who tells of others lives with malicious intent
• A conceited person: proud, snobbish, stuck-up, arrogant, vain
• A double-minded person: inconsistent, conflicting behavior, contradictory
• A vow-breaker: breaks promises, don’t keep their word, breaks covenant
Now, I know as you read the eleven vices in the above list, that several people came to your mind. You probably screamed, “yep, that’s so and so,” but did you see your name?
These eleven vices were not listed in the “sinful works of darkness” list but they belong in the Hall of Shame. Shame on you, if you continue to walk in these divisive and destructive ways after reading the list and think that you are a vessel of love. You are living a total lie. There are too many in the Church who walk in the above vices and will proclaim that they live a Christ-like lifestyle. Who are they kidding? Many babes in Christ have fled the Church, because of those who should have mentored them in love, limped out of the Church doors wounded by their words and attitudes. These vices should not be named among you in the Church, because it creates discord, and God hates discord. I charge you today to examine yourselves to see if you are in the faith.
2 Cor. 13:5, Examine yourselves, to see whether you are in the faith, test yourselves.
The Apostle Paul exhorts us to examine ourselves and to test yourselves, not others, to see if we are truly saved, or did we go down a dry sinner and come up out of the water a wet one? We are to take a serious look at our walk and make sure that it lines up with the Word and will of God.
What is the mark (sign) of the beast (Satan) that lies resident in our souls? Stinking thinking!!! When we allow ourselves to be critical of others who are co-heirs of the Kingdom of God, we take on the likeness of Satan. Remember, he is the accuser of the brethren. We should not be!!!!!! Some in the Church spend countless hours judging others, when they should be examining themselves.
How shall we walk then? We should walk loaded with the fruit of the Spirit, which is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control. Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the sinful nature with its passions and desires. Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit.
If you are beating yourself on the chest in self-proclaimed greatness and your name is on the list of the Hall of Shame, because the mark of satan is operating in you, then self-correct and quickly repent, and walk in love. Challenge yourself to be an encourager and exhorter in the Body of Christ, to bring glory and honor to the Lord. In the name of Jesus.
very thoughtful, will be mindful to not exhibit/ model "signs"
Father, I pray that the actions of others will not hinder the walk of this couple. Lord, God, help the Body of Christ to see through Your eyes. James 2:2-4 says, "For instance, suppose someone comes into your meeting dressed in fancy clothes and expensive jewelry, and another comes in who is poor and dressed in shabby clothes. If you give special attention and a good seat to the rich person, but you say to the poor one, "You can stand over there, or else sit on the floor"--well, doesn't this discrimination show that you are guided by wrong motives?" Help us to remember Your Word, Father and be doers of it and not hearers only.
ReplyDeleteAmen, if we walk in love, we will not offend others. The Bible says to greet one another with a holy kiss. We will greet those who come into our fellowship with love and kindness.