Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Rescued from the Depths of Hell

As we watch the 33 miners’ being rescued from the depths of hell, (underground) I cannot miss the prophetic implications of this physical event. As these miners’ families, friends, co-workers and community stand by and watch as each person is pulled out of this underground cavern that held them captive for 69 days; the entire world watched along with them via television. Fifteen miners have been rescued at this point. I couldn’t help but think of the work of the ministry, of rescuing lost souls from the depths of a fiery Hell that is before us. We are called to cancel every person’s reservation in Hell. The enemy has the world captive, and the Angels of God are standing by watching as the Church rescue these unsuspecting captives, one by one, as the gospel of Jesus Christ is preached.

My mind often goes into a prophetic tailspin like this when I see something that compares to what is going on in the spirit realm. We, the Church have the mandate to rescue the harvest from uncertain containment in Hell. The Bible speaks of the celebration that goes on in Heaven when one comes to Christ. The angels of God stand by and praise with joy as one human after another is saved from the pit of hell. The Church has become somewhat complacent about the mandate to evangelize but I pray that we all take a good look at the people standing by as each man is rescued from this type of hell.

The news reporter said that the temperature is about 90 degrees underground where the miners have been captive for these past 69 days, so that when they are rescued, they must have jackets placed on them because it is chilly and then whisked off to get a physical checkup. This is the same thing we do when we rescue a person from their captivity in sin. We preach the gospel, which is their rescue when they receive the gift of salvation, baptism, and the gift of the precious Holy Spirit, with the gift of tongues flowing and Heaven then burst out in cheers for the salvation of the redeemed. At this point, we are to continue to mentor the new believers with the Word and prayer, teaching them how to search out the scriptures and develop a personal relationship with God. What a wonderful work every believer has on the earth.

The whole world is cheering and tearing over the rescue of these 33 men who have been lost in the depths of a type of hell. They were lost but now they are found; alive. Are we as passionate about saving souls as the people of the world are passionate about saving these lost miners? We have seen those responsible for coming up with the idea of rescuing these miners work feverishly for 69 days to strategize with scientist and others to set these people free. They were resolved to not cease their work until all men were free. O.k., Church, are we as diligent as the world to set lost souls free? We should be.

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