The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we are not saved. Jeremiah 8:20
I notice how many conferences that are held to help focusing on hurting women and most of these conferences promises to deliver these poor souls. The women go and once they return back home they are still struggling with their, “issue.” While some of us should be in ministry or in leadership positions, we are still sucking a spiritual pacifier, looking for people to affirm us, over and over again. We are never able to grasp the truth of the knowledge of God, nor the things of God. We are still whimpering about situations that we should have gotten over years ago and received an understanding, that in this life we will have trials and tribulations. The, “why me,” question is still being asked in our minds, never able to register in our hearts that character and strength is born out of the place of pain. I am astounded by how many scary Christians I meet. Fear is not from God; it is from the enemy.
We have been saved for years, seasons have come and gone and we still find ourselves struggling with the same problems we had when we first believed. If we are to live a transformed life, changing from what we were to who God has called us to be, then what’s the problem? Some people don’t want to be delivered, but others are still plagued by vices or sin issues, because they have not accessed the power source, which is available to all of those who belong to God to transform their lives.
Our power source is the Holy Spirit and our transformation will come by studying the Word and obeying what we read. Our desire must be to change from natural to spiritual, but so many are happy to hold onto carnal lifestyles and fear.
But there’s another group in the Church, who have been wounded in life and believe that nothing will ever change for them, and that they will always be in a state of suffering, rejection and betrayal. They can’t receive people who want to be close to them, so they build walls around themselves to keep people out. I continue to be astounded by remarks from Believers, who say that they don’t want friends because friends, will betray them. With that belief, true friendship will become difficult, because anyone who gets close to them will have to continually prove their friendship. Why can’t they trust? Because, they don’t believe God can deliver them from the spirit of betrayal or rejection. Months have turned into years and years into decades and yet they are still not saved (delivered) from the bondage of the enemy whispering into their ears, that they will be betrayed if they allow someone close to their heart.
We forget that we have received power, when we received the Holy Spirit, to overcome every personal issue in our lives and to demonstrate authority over the powers of darkness that come against us. The Holy Spirit comforts and heals our hearts as He reveals to us that we can do all things with Christ. There’s nothing too hard for God; He can and will deliver (save) us from every situation. In this season, meditate on God’s word and believe that God will deliver you from those troublesome issues that have plagued you for years. Remember, there is no room for fear in our lives for perfect love cast out fear. I pray that you begin to trust God to deliver you from every issue that has controlled your life to a life filled to the brim with love and the power of God.
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