Monday, September 27, 2010

Shake, Bake, Shift

As the winds of change blow in the spirit realm, it is time to believe with all your heart, the Word of the Lord concerning you. There is a saying that goes, “pray until something happens;” or PUSH. It is time to believe God, and complete the travailing process that is taking place in your life. This travailing is and has been necessary, to complete the birthing process, as you advance from, faith to faith and glory to glory.

Some are already in the shift, but others are going through in this season. The Body is being propelled into this shift to purify us into a Church without spot or wrinkle. We cannot stand in His presence, nor represent Him, with dirty hands and a dark heart. We are in a season of travail and transformation, to complete the process of holiness, as we shift into the next phase of assignments in the Body of Christ. It is time for us to travail, as we go through the purifying fire of transformation. We can’t go into the next shift until we understand the fire of purification. Anything that is not like God will not stand in this shift.

Jesus is not coming back to a broken, tattered, crippled, or soiled by the dirt of the world, Church, but a fiery, powerful, glorious, and holy people, who represent Him. He is coming back to a Church that has been transformed by the fire and refreshed by the latter rains from Heaven.

Burn Church, and be consumed by the fire of God. Repentance from all works of darkness will cause the Body of Christ to walk as fire starters, to ignite the embers of revival and evangelism on a world that is hungry for change. Burn Church, for this burning is the consuming fire of His glory that will be seen upon you. Burn Church, as you glow in the spirit and take authority over every situation in your life. You are not bound by grave clothes; shake off the grave clothes, loose the shackles that have had you bound and be free.

To those who have travailed in the last season and now in the new shift, you are beginning to recognize that God has placed a grace upon your life, to do what was almost impossible for you to do in the last season. Those things that almost took you out of here in the last season have become easier to bear now. In fact, there is no longer any weight to them anymore, for you have learned to master your emotions in the very areas that have been your downfall before. That thing that you feared is no longer fearful to you now. These things are nothing more than a memory and a testimony to you. You have found that during those times of prayer and travailing, that God caused you to ascend higher than the problem. Even if the issue still exists, it is no longer a big problem to you now, for the trial didn’t change; you did. You have found that in the midst of the storm, God rained patience, faith and glory in your life. The fiery thing that came to test and destroy you, actually strengthened you.

Burn Church; burn brightly, with the fire of God. You have been shaken and yet you are still standing. Stand, stand and know the shakings of the Lord in your life, to shake off everything that is not like Him. Some will experience the shaking and fire and will be consumed as chaff, but what has shaken your life is the travailing, the consuming fire, to bring you into the next phase of His glory. Burn as a living candle and become the light of the world. Shake through the transition, bake in the consuming fire of God, and shift as you arise in His glory.

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