Greetings, sons and daughters of the Light! I feel compelled to write to you this day to remind you that Adonai, who sits high on His Throne, has called your name and loves you. He has orchestrated that you have a unique year, one like none other and that you realize that He has designed every situation that you will find yourself in, to bring you into a greater depht of love for Him and for your brothers and sisters who also love Him.
You have felt that the anointing is not as strong in your life as it was in times past, but that is the furthest thing from the truth. The truth is, that you are more anointed to do Kingdom exploits, although you don't feel it. Don't trust in your feelings for your feelings can deceive you and be manipulated by the enemy. God has given you a greater anointing for this season and certainly for the next season ahead. In the past, you relied on how you felt when you operated in the gifts of healing, deliverance or even in prophecy, but that which was familiar with you before, will no longer be needed. Your natural has been smeared with super from above, so you will function in an anointing unparalled to that which you have ever experienced before. It will be as natural as breathing, for you won't have to "work yourself up" to "feel" the anointing before operation. During the past season of trials and testing, you were being anointed by the Lord. You have passed the tests, although some of you may have felt as if you failed; God knows. You may have spoken words or operated in behavior that is not fitting for a person called by God, but the Lord our God knows that you are but flesh. You have been forgiven, your sins forgotten, your spirit man enlightened by the Holy Spirit and called to walk in victory. Yes, God has heard your silent cry and He is answering. He has dispatched His angels to help you in whatever place you find yourself in.
We are on the last leg of the race and you ran well, but remember the last leg is the toughest, which is why God has anointed you for this season. The prophetic words that Yeshua revealed to John on the Isle of Patmos will shortly be revealed to the inhabitants of the earth. God is revealing what I am writing you at this moment. I am not just writing words or wishing these things but you will see that the Lord is with me in what I write to you this day. Prophets, judge this word! Don't grow weary of well doing; remember, the race isn't given to the swift, nor to the strong, but to those who endure. Endure hardships, and do not become entangled with the affairs of this world. You will see; your eyes will behold, deep and painful things beginning to happen on the earth, but you have been called, chosen and elected to be a carrier of the glory of God and that glory will be a light to those who we will witness groping in the darkness for answers. Do not be dismayed nor afraid in what you will hear and see in the not so distant future. Unparelled disasters will happen; some man-made causes, some by the enemy and some by God. When it is man-made or produced by the enemy, your spirit man will know and you will be prompted to pray for the people involved, that their suffering will ease, but when it is judgment, you will not pray for the inhabitants of the earth, for what has come upon them will be the work of the Lord...for they will be judged by the Rightful Judge for disobedient acts. We are not to become smug in our knowledge of prophecy, but to become humble before the Lord, because He has kept us during these times of darkness. Keep the Word of God in your heart for there will come a time when many will fall away because of false doctrine; we see this already happening.
The Holy Spirit is in you and on you. Stay close to those who love the Lord, as you do and encourage one another, as we see these things approach the earth. Our minds cannot conceive what is ahead of us and the diasters that we will see on the earth. Be ready to view every situation as a ministry situation. Be ready to touch lives everywhere you go. Jesus went about doing good and He has called you to do the same. The spirit of oppression and depression will be seen on most people as they see the economy worsen and natural and manmade disaster increase. But, you have been called to be a light to those groping in darkness. Fear is darkness. Sin is darkness. Despair is darkness. Hopelessness is darkness.
You have learned how to war on the back side of the mountain. You have learned skills of warfare in those desert and wilderness places. You have learned as David learned as he shepherded in the wilderness. He killed a bear and a lion, so Goliath was nothing to him. You will face your giants and they will become nothing before you, for the weapons of your warfare are mighty in God, to the pulling down of strongholds. Don't become distracted by the enemy in this season. He will try to distract you by every means, through those things and people who are important to you. He will cause your husband/wife to upset you to the point that you will look at them instead of what is behind them. Satan will be the one stirring up vexing problems, but you are to stay on course with the Word of God. Who can separate you from the love of Christ? Nothing and no one. Pray for your spouses; ask God to keep them and to open their eyes to what the enemy's strategy is in destroying those called to proclaim and decree in these last of the last days. Your children, spouses, bosses, church members or the like are not the enemy. Pray for them to remain strong. The enemy fights dirty and you need to ask the Holy Spirit to give you the strategy of the enemy. You have been given dominion over every fallen angel. You can call it as you see it. Decree the Word of God in power and draw close to God and He will draw close to you. Resist satan, and he will flee. He knows he is a defeated foe.
Slay those negative habits you have, before they slay you. Fast, if you need, but overcome every sin that lies within you for they will slay you if you don't. When the enemy comes, he need not find anything in us; close every sinful door and give the enemy no legal right to your life. Humble yourselves before the Lord and submit to His every Word.
Fear not; for the Yeshua is with you.
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