Wednesday, June 2, 2010

To Whom Much Is Given

For everyone to whom much is given, from him much will be required; and to whom much has been committed, of him they will ask the more. Luke 12:48b

Most of us desire a great anointing, position, title or recognition, but we don’t want to do the things that would equip us for great works. I'm not speaking of having a position for the sake of the people, but truly desiring to work for God but not wanting to put the time and effort into doing what is required to walk in these graces. God is the one who calls the anointed person and God is the one who establishes that person’s steps to operate in the supernatural. Anointed people will go through diverse trials. The heavier the anointing; the heavier the trial. We have to realize that if we are called to do great and mighty things, that we can’t spend our time with foolish people, participating in foolish converstions or doing foolish things. I'm not saying we can't have fun or enjoy family, friends or life but we must take the time to study, pray, praise and worship, to operate in a great anointing. When our faith is tested we go back to the unadulterated Word of God for direction and to the throne for strength. God has gifted us to be a blessing to a dying world and to a hungry church, but so often we don't consider our call. We know in our heart what we want to do, but we are waiting for the perfect time to do it. We are waiting..waiting..waiting, and in the meantime, the suffering in the world continues and as we play mind games with ourselves.

Therefore to him who knows to do good and does not do it, to him it is sin. James 4:17

God has called us into ministry and has equipped us with every tool to be successful in our walk through the leading of the Holy Spirit and His Word, but we still find ourselves in a place of desiring entertainment over ministry. We are called to reach a dying world, but if we are consumed with entertainment, family, jobs and problems, how can we walk effectively in our call? How often do you walk past a person in public or on your job that you discern need a word of encouragement or prayer, and you just keep on walking in a hurry to do what is important to you? How many times have we driven past car accidents and not take the time to say a quick prayer for those involved? How often have we seen tragedies on the television and turn the channel to surf for something entertaining to watch? We know the right thing to do is to pray for people but we don’t do it. We can see a person in need of help and not lift a hand because we don’t want to get involved, but in the depths of our being we know that we should do good works toward the person. How many times do we smile in public at people or speak a word of encouragement to those we don’t know? Jesus went about doing good but we have lost the art of simple “acts of kindness.” It is sin if we know to do good and don't do it. We are called to validate those in need and to do “good works” as ministers of the gospel.

If a person sins, and commits any of these things which are forbidden to be done by the commandments of the Lord, though he does not know it, yet he is guilty and shall bear his iniquity. Lev 5:17

God didn’t play games with the children of Israel. If they messed up and broke the law, it was on like popcorn. They had to pay for their sin immediately. Jonah was a prime example; he was called to prophesy to Nineveh and decided he wasn’t even going to Nineveh and ran to sail elsewhere. God arrested him by means of a huge fish. God didn’t play when He called a person to purpose.

But he who did not know, yet committed things deserving of stripes, shall be beaten with few. Luke 12:48

God moves a little gentler on the people of today, and He still punishes those who sin, but God will take into account their ignorance, but not yours, for whom much has been given; much is required. If you are in leadership; you are called to obedience and service. Sin should have no place in you. You are responsible for knowing what is right and wrong you have been encouraged to STUDY to show yourself approved unto GOD!!!!

For I have a baptism to be baptized with, and how distressed I am till it is accomplished! Luke 12:50

Jesus came to set everything upside down and to accomplish that which He came to establish on the earth. His desire was for everything to be complete; and He came to disrupt the status quo and to stir things up. He did not come to be timid but to demonstrate fire on the earth. If we are going to be effective, we have to take a stand against sin and fear. We can’t compromise with the world or bring a seeker friendly gospel. There will be times that our word will cut those who are living lifestyles that are ungodly.

But Jesus said to them, “you do not know what you ask; Are you able to drink the cup that I drink, and be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized with? They said to Him, “We are able.” So Jesus said to them, “You will indeed drink the cup that I drink, and with the baptism I am baptized with you will be baptized… Mark 10:38-39

James and John, the sons of Zebedee wanted to sit with Jesus in the Kingdom but Jesus knew they had no idea what they were asking of Him. Jesus Christ, the anointed one, was to be baptized by death and knew that they didn’t have a clue what such an anointing would eventually cost. They just wanted to have the best seats in the house, not realizing the cost of such a position. But Jesus knew the price that was going to be paid by them and told them, but they didn’t understand. Jesus called them to be disciples and eventually apostles, but they were also called to the baptism of “death.” So many Pastors want to be called prophet this and apostle that; not realizing the price that these “gifts” will ultimately pay. The price of persecution is greater on these anointed gifts. So you think you want to be an apostle or prophet? Those called to be apostles and prophets will surely go through the schools of brokenness, rejection and abandonment. The school of pain and misunderstanding is the baptism of all true apostles and prophets.

Maybe you are called to the other ministry gifts. You still have a responsibility to walk holy before your God. The practice of sin should not be in your life. You will have to take a stand against everything that is unholy or ungodly and press your face to the floor in humility before your God. We cannot live a life of entertainment and walk in the ministry or leadership. We must set our faces like flint and do what we were called to do. It is time to grow up in God and to operate as men and women of God. We have to close the gates in our lives to ungodly things and open our ears to the voice of God. People will call you for all kinds of drama but your response should be as Nehemiah’s was to those who called on him. He didn’t have time for the foolishness of man. He was sold out to the purposes of God.

So I sent messengers to them saying, “I am doing a great work, so that I cannot come down. Why should the work cease while I leave it and go down to you? Nehemiah 6:3

Sometimes, you are going to have to tell folks that you are called to a great work and you can’t roll with them anymore. God has called YOU to do a mighty work and He expects YOU to complete it, and yes, He will help you, for He will complete the work He started in you. So man and woman of God; stay on the wall as intercessors, watchmen and gatekeepers, willing and ready to do the work of the ministry at all costs. God is raising up a mighty army to demonstrate the Kingdom on the earth. It is time to put your hands to the plow and don’t look back. To whom much is given; much is required.

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