Tuesday, June 8, 2010

From Complaint to Contentment

Do everything without complaining or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe as you hold out the word of life—in order that I may boast on the day of Christ that I did not run or labor for nothing.
Phil 2:14-16

The Drama of Television
Writers of T.V. programs know that viewers love shows where there is complaining and contention. Newspapers and News Programs sells where there is complaining and disgruntled people, and statistics are taken on the news to prove how the general public feels about the issues, which are usually complaints, from the President, to dirt. There is a plethora of complaints all around us. It seems as if being grumpy, unhappy, a constant complainer and upset are sure ways to make money for the networks. People love complaining, contention and confusion. It is amazing that so many programs portray people in situations filled with strife. Any actor playing the role of an evil or contentious person is loved. The consumers love the bad boy/bad girl image.

The Church is Not Immune from Complainers
In the Church, complaining is one of the issues that is overlooked by many Christians as a bad habit, but not as something that is very serious. We need to take a look at this vice. Some of the statements of complainers are; “ they are always against me; I am the only one who didn’t…; no one cares about me; I’m always the last to know…; everyone else can get away with this or that; I’m not use to this.” Complaining steals so much from us and alters our personalities to the point that we become grumpy and without joy. Of course, those who practice complaining don’t see themselves this way; they just think that they are expressing themselves and letting everyone know how they feel about something over and over again. All of us know someone who is a complainer and many try to avoid them. Sometimes, entire families are complainers because the children have learned this negative behavior from their parents. But sometimes we want to cut people off and have nothing else to do with them because we grow weary of their issues.

We all know people who are complainers, needy, procrastinators, silly, inconsiderate or just mean spirited. We can spend numerous hours trying to console needy people or complainers to no avail. We can point out scripture after scripture and all we hear is ”yeah, but…”. It sometimes feels as if these folks will suck the life clean out of you. Complaining drains the person who practices it because it takes so much energy to place oneself back into the place that hurt over and over again. It also causes the complainer to not walk in forgiveness. How can we forgive if we keep rehearsing the pain day in and day out. The listener feels as if they are in a bad dream that they can’t get out of. Complainers show lack of maturity and trust in God. They are really saying deep down in their hearts that God cannot change their situation. Complaining actually, takes our hearts and focus off of God. We can’t recall His goodness in our lives because we are in a continual place of rehearsing the painful things. Instead of meditating on the Words of God, we are stuck on what someone said to us.

The Answer if Contentment
The opposite of complaining is contentment. Apostle Paul admonishes us to be content no matter what situation we find ourselves in. Paul wrote these words while imprisoned in Rome, yet, He gave praise to God and was satisfied with His God in this awful place.

I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to be in plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through him who given me strength. Phil 4:11

Paul understood what it meant to stand in awe of His Redeemer. He knew intimately, through His encounter on the Damascus Road, that His Deliverer lives. The prison bars could not hold Paul when he was in worship with God for he ascended and sat with Christ in Heavenly places. Praise and worship will bring us into a place of joy and contentment. Intimacy with God will satisfy our souls and God draws near us in these encounters.

The Joy of the Lord IS Our Strength
When we feel the unction to complain, we have to remember that the joy of the Lord is our strength. God has not forgotten us and knows the issues we go through on a day to day basis. He calls the issues of life our “light afflictions” for God know the reward He will bring us if we stand and find contentment in Him. No man can bring us joy. No man can bring us continual contentment; only God can fill empty hearts with His immeasurable love and joy. Paul learned that God was his strength; not man; not his situation. It doesn’t matter what the “light affliction” is, God is able to bring you through. Trust Him. God tells us to encourage one another with spiritual songs as we see the day approaches. That means, as we see troubling times and situations drawing near; we are to sing songs of praise to encourage and bless one another.

God is so interested in relationships and how we love one another. He is the embodiment of love and His desire is that we learn to grow in love with Him and others as He has loved us. The most amazing part of knowing the love of God is that He redeems us and crowns us with love. He crowns us with Himself. Can you wrap your mind around the knowledge that you have been crowned by God with love and compassion? We can’t fathom the depth of His love, for His love is immeasurable but we can trust His Words and walk in contentment.

1 comment:

  1. If we can "think" about what God has already brought us out of and what He has delivered us from, then we can "thank" Him and not complain. He's freed us before, He'll free us again; He's healed us before, He'll heal us again; He's made a way before, He'll make a way again!

    If we could just remember what He's already done, but unfortunately, some of us have short term memories, dementia, cognitive intellectual deterioration.

    Oh, if men would praise the Lord!!!
