Saturday, June 6, 2015

Born to Win

Jesus told His disciples exactly what was going to go down beginning that very evening, but they didn't understand the message.  The shepherd would be struck and the sheep will be scattered, referring to Himself as the Shepard and them as the sheep.  No one asked Him who or what  He was referring to in this statement.  How many times have we heard a word from God and wondered, what are you saying, Lord?"

The voice of God speaking into the very depths of our soul giving us direction in life is the most wonderful experience ever.  To be approached by the Creator God and to hear a Word from Him is almost too much for our minds to fathom when we first begin to experience His voice.  But in time, we are no longer amazed.  We are changed by Him and we expect to hear His loving voice speak to us.   Even in the Bible, the Lord speaks through His Word and give us directions to walk by.  

Where can we go Jesus without your knowledge or your presence when your hand is on our lives?  The scriptures declare nowhere as stated in Psalms 91.  If we ascend, descend or go to the uttermost parts of the world, God is there.So then the question is, why do some of the people of God live in fear if the scriptures say that He will never leave nor forsake us?  The answer...they don't believe God.  Whether we understand the full scope of His words or not, we are mandated to believe and obey.  Obedience is better than sacrifice.  If you say that you love God, then obey Him.  Take Him at His word.

Every trial is for our spiritual development and it proves that all things work together for our good. As a mature woman, I have lived long enough to know that the ministers who have had the most difficult lives are the most effective preachers or teachers because the things they suffered became the very place that they minister from.  Their tribulations became their testimony to help others. Not the incident, but the mental or physical struggle and the deliverance of God from the dark place they suffered from.  Their deliverance by God put muscles on their faith.

I have a picture of the Garden Tomb in Jerusalem where Satan and man thought it would be Jesus final resting place, but death couldn't hold Him and the grave couldn't hold Him.  He got up with power in His hands and declared victory over death and the grave.  Just as Jesus got up from the grave, you can rise above your circumstances. 

What has God called you to do?  You weren't  born to be defeated; you were born to win.  Even if you are thrown into prison, use that time and place to set those who are not only captives physically, but captive spiritually.  Show them the way to Christ.  If you are sick in your body and spend much time in the hospital, that is your area of ministry; tell them about healing or the beauty of walking with God and eternal life where there will be no more tears.  Weeping may endure for a night, but Joy comes in the morning.

Your circumstances may seem dire, but when you know the Lord, you know the true purpose of life.  You know that the time will come when you will sit at the banquet table with Christ and dine on food from Heaven in the presence of the Lord.  We win people of God...we win, so encourage yourself with these words...we win and there is a great cloud of witnesses cheering us on.  Defeat can't handle you because you're focused on winning.  In a race, it is the hardest at the end, but that's the time to make every effort to kick it up a notch and give it all you have till every nerve is involved on winning and the veins pop out of you're forehead, but you are bringing it into the last lapse to win the race with angels cheering you on.  It's almost over and victory is in sight...hallelujah.

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