Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Encamped by God

The angel of the Lord encamps all around those who fear Him and delivers them.  
Psalms 34:7

My young grandson love creating things to play with. He made a warrior from bread wrapper ties and two tooth picks.  It reminded me of a scrawny lil man with two swords.  My mind went back to Caleb and Joshua who went into the enemies camp with their men to scout out the place.   They saw giants in the land and the other men who were with them became greatly afraid.  They cried out when they returned to the base that they were like grasshoppers in the eyes of the giants.  They probably saw themselves like the lil wrapper tie man that my grandson made instead of mighty men who had God on their side.  Their God was bigger and mightier than any giant.  They trusted in themselves and what they could see, much like we do today.

We may have monumental problems, but we serve a great, big God who can and will deliver us.  But, I'm getting ahead of myself.   The enemy will never back off of us because His job is to destroy, deceive and steal from us by any means necessary.  He is the father of lies and we get that but, somehow we still play into his evil hands and believe his bogus lies that we can't, won't and never will be or do anything worth anything.

God told Moses to set aside 70 men and He will put on them the same anointing that was on Moses.  In the New Covenant, Jesus sent His 70 disciples out after teaching and anointing them to  do ministry.  They came back declaring that even the demons were subjected to them.  They believed God and were successful.

A young friend of my daughter, who work at a mental hospital told me that people use to go to the church to be delivered when they had mental issues, but the churches can't deliver anymore.  I told her that there were a few that still have deliverance ministries, but they are few.  I really admired her for even recognizing the power and authority that has been delivered to the Church by Jesus.

Many Christians have become like that scrawny wrapper tie soldier; completely useless in not only helping others, but in helping themselves.  Our problems overwhelms us because we won't pray, nor will we ask others who are righteous to pray.  We carry our problems instead of calling on the Lord or bind and loose those things that come to bind us or ensnare us. 

Quote the Word until you feel it churning in your belly.  Get radical, anoint yourself, put on some praise music or sing it yourself and do warfare.  God will then send His angelic forces to help you.  Get into a warfare stance...with arms up in worship.  For the weapons of our warfare are mighty in God to the pulling down of strongholds.  Encourage yourself.. shake yourself loose...declare war on bad habits that have you bound and release the Word of God over your own life.  It's time to get radical.  You may look like that tin wrapper soldier, but you will soon see some muscles come on your faith.  Pump it up with the Word of God.  Keep negative conversation out of your mouth as you cast down negative thoughts and please step away from negative people.  Speak power; you have received power through the Holy Spirit.

What an awesome promise to be covered by the angel of the Lord.  Who is this mighty angel who surrounds the people of God?  He visited Abraham before the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah and told Abraham that He will do nothing unless He reveals it to His servant.  He was the Word, and He has ministering servants to help you through every situation, including your bad attitude if you ask.

Jesus is our ever present help in time of need or trouble.  The Lord promised to never leave us nor forsake us.. He is willing and ready to assist in your deliverance of fear, addictions, anger issues, sexual perversions and every other type of mess you might be enslaved to.  He has even made a way for us to bring our negative thoughts into captivity.  Whether your problem is caused by your personal issues or an outside challenge like failing health, financial problems, loss of a love one; God is able and willing to help those who fear Him.

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