Wednesday, April 15, 2015

A Spirit Has Been Released

A spirit of murder has been released over our homes, communities, cities, states and nations and it is not E.T.  The spirit of murder is not a cute spirit and it can't be marched away nor can it be protested away.  You can march until you feet melt off and it will remain. I will continue to speak about the spirit of murder in a moment, but first I must address something that baffles me.

Crime is crime and sin is sin.  Let me explain what I mean by this statement.  There is police brutality and always has been, which is diabolical. The first sixteen years of my life were spent in the Projects of Chicago, so I know very well what I speak.  What we see today in our communities and the news was open season on the residents of my neighborhood.   I am very familiar with living around murder, gang activity and police brutality.  My neighborhood was placed in a police state and under siege by those who were charged to protect its citizens; the police and national guard during the riots in Chicago after Dr. Martin Luther Kings assassination.

So, here's my dilemma, why are the people not protesting Black on Black murders? Every crime that was committed on my family members was by the hands of my own ethnic group.  Let's tell the truth; more Black people are killed by Black on Black crime and not the police, but where's the outcry? 

Children are killed in the homes by mama's worthless boyfriends, mob maulings and knock out games are committed in our own neighborhoods. There are murders committed in every ethnic and cultural group. Whites kill, Asians kill, Latinos kill, Middle Easterners kill and Blacks kill.  Abortions (which is murder) is committed in every group and religion, so let the truth be told.
So this issue is not a racial issue, but a spiritual issue.

It's the spirit of murder that has been released over the nations.  This spirit was able to gain a foothold because the people chose to repress the knowledge of God in the homes and schools.  There was a time that Black people, whether saved or not, honored God.  I was not raised in  a "saved" home, but my parents taught my two brothers and I the principles of God; to treat people like we want to be treated.  I was like everyone else in my community who didn't go to Church regularly; we went to church on "Easter Sunday."  My point is, everyone went to church at least once a year.

I can tell you why this spirit has over run our because the Church is asleep at best and full of sin at worst.  Those called to be intercessors are releasing prayers without personal repentance.  Watchmen have come down off the wall and watching their own interests instead of the interests of God.Pastors... well, they are not about Father's business because they want to be rich and known of man.  Instead of building God's Kingdom, many are building their own.  We are not mindful of the things of God. I realize there is a remnant who are diligently seeking the holiness of God and are righteous in His sight, but, they are know the scriptures.  So Church, WAKE UP!!!!!!   Our cities are being over run by the spirit of murder and it's not E.T.  It is a hideous, nasty and evil thing, waiting to devour our young people.  It's taking names and kicking butt, while fear grips our neighborhoods. 

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, the spirit of murder does not work alone, a lying spirit and the spirit of fear word with it.   So, those who know the Lord must be of one mind, walking in agreement and full of the Holy Spirit.  Jealousy and contention will cause you to be ineffective.  Humble yourselves and walk in agreement, lifting up the name of Jesus and then we will see change in our communities.  Oh yeah, TAKE your children to Church and teach them the principles of God like loving your neighbor as you love yourselves.  A blast from the past...know where your children are.

1 comment:

  1. The sound (warning) has been released...truth is that it's been heard...we have to do something...
