And the glory which you gave Me, I have given them, that they may be one just as We are one.
John 17:22
Jesus prays to the Father before He left the earth, that the glory He received from the Father would be given to those who would believe on Him. Jesus thoughts and heart were projected into over 2000 years into the future, as He saw your face and mine. He had the image of your precious face in His heart as He interceded for us, with exceeding joy, knowing that He was going to wrap us in His glory, for His glory.
How awesome is our God, who delights Himself in those who love Him. His exceeding love touches us daily as we go about our usual business. As we awaken in the morning, before our first stir or stretch, God begin to pour a new dose of mercy and compassion into us. Before our feet touches the floor, His grace is ignited in us. A new surge of love is stirred up in our spirit man by the Holy Spirit, to release the other fragrant fruit of patience, goodness, kindness, faith, joy, gentleman, self control and peace. This is a supernatural stirring going on within us. We are not aware of all the workings of the Spirit of God going on deep within us, but it is. He stirs, pours and ignite our inner man with His precious nature, without us being aware of His divine work going on inside of us.
Slow transformation is taking place over the years of the remolding, renewing and remaking of our nature, as the divine effects of Jesus prayer goes forth to transform us into His very image.
Over the years we look in the mirror and see the same face, with physical changes taking place, as we watch ourselves change, slowly...a wrinkle here, gray hair there or an age spot; we see changes of time. What we can't see is what can't be caught by a mirror. We can't even look in a mirror and see physical pain. A mirror reflects back the image that stands before it, but it can't reveal pain or the inner workings of the heart. People spend millions of dollars to change the physical image they see. They spend millions on cosmetics, drugs, alcohol or surgeries to make the image they see in the mirror feel better and to look better, but these things can't touch the inner man. Only Jesus can transform the inner man. The transformed inner man will effect the outer man's perspective. Jesus do an inner work on those He prayed for those 2000 plus years ago.
What does mercy and grace look like on us? I can't see it in the mirror. I can't see Jesus' glory on me. I can't see the years of spiritual attacks and victories in a mirror, but I know the struggles I've had and the victories Angels have fought on my behalf. I know that God have turned things around for me because I see situations change and I know He intercedes for me and you.
How great is His mercy and love toward us, that He would knell before Father across the millennia of time and pray for us to be vessels of love and that His glory be on us. Imagine it...the Eternal God, Creator of all things, has given His glory to us. His glory on us to imitate His very nature on the earth. We can't have His glory without all the other attributes being in us as well.
We are almost half way through 2014...this is harvest time, saints. If you have sown well, you will reap well. If a farmer plants one tomato seed, he doesn't reap one tomato, he reaps a tomato plant, which can produce many tomatoes. One seed, much fruit. God deals in multiplication. One person praying will put 1000 to flight, but two people praying will put 10,000 to flight. Multiplication!
This is harvest time for the people of God. The things you struggled with before will no longer be a struggle for you. You want to love like Jesus? You will see it. He has spread the mantle of glory and His anointing on you. Now go and give it to others. Why? Simply because He prayed for you over 2000 years ago and continues to be your Advocate..
Amen....and good morning...