We run after pleasures more than we run after the True and Living God. 2 Timothy 3:4 Every thing is more important to us than He is, but we say we love Him...how much? The true test of love is in our actions. We hold grudges instead of forgiving those who hurt us because, we feel justified, totally ignoring the charge to love and do good to those who despitefully use us. This will jack them up if they are saved and if they are not, well, I feel sorry for them because, they then will have to contend with God. Remember Nabal and Abigail? God had to kill his mean and evil self, to spare David from doing it because he had disrespected David's men and David's name. Ole Nabal, who thought much of himself because of his wealth, had no idea that his earthly goods would go to someone else, just as his wife would become the wife of the man he had disrespected. Atta girl, Abigail!
We hurt others knowingly without repenting because of our stinking pride and we really believe they are beneath us.
Don't think too high of yourself, because you will soon get a rude awakening. Pride goes before the fall...check yourselves. Men can't judge you like God will judge you and His Word said it would have been better if you had never been born than to offend one of His little ones and Jesus was not just speaking of children. Are you in a position that others are submitted under you? Watch how you treat them or you will offend the Lord.
Many husbands no longer want to rule their home as the king of the home, but leaves the responsibility to his wife, causing her to have no covering or security. His job is to love his wife as himself, but far to often today, we are finding husbands loving themselves exclusively. The wife is then forced to fend for herself. I believe every wife should be equipped and talented enough to handle her own business, for she is not a glorified slave, but called to operate in a spirit of humility and love. The husband is mandated to love his wife as he loves himself and to love his wife as Christ loves the Church. The Word also tells us to submit to one another for Christ's sake. So if the husband is in rebellion against the Word of God, submit for Christ sake and if the wife is in rebellion, we are still commanded to submit to one another for Christ sake. But, we see total rebellion in the house as men and women of God refuse to give and obey the Word of God. Husbands, submission does no mean your wife becomes your personal doormat, she is your co-heir or equal in Christ. Treat her like you want to be treated and wives, do the same thing. Out bless one another. We are witnessing husbands and wives go days and weeks without talking, when the Word says, "don't let the sun go down on your wrath." To my beautiful, young sisters, please stop running after these men, looking for a husband. He is suppose to find you! Stop joining prison ministries to find a man; sisters, he is looking for a mama. You have a job, good credit, house or apartment and some money...all the ingredients he need to make it in the outside world. Let God bring the man to YOU!
I must say this, when we fight and falsely accuse our spouses, we become agents of darkness, working with Satan against each other. The Word to love one another as Christ has loved and loves us is for married people as well.
What is this 45 minute church service about? Two songs and a quickie sermon and then we all go home to do whatever we want...Really? People are actually choosing where they will fellowship according to how short the service is. What if God gave you a quick sermon..."be gone to your final home of everlasting torment...case closed." Would you like that? No way, you would try to begin your speech with..."Jesus, what had happened was..." If the Church service last over one hour we are upset because the service last too long. What else could you possibly have to do? Is Jesus not worth a few hours of your day in assembling with other Believers? It should be sheer joy to fellowship with others who love and celebrate God like you. There's no way you are praying for an hour if you can't stand to meet for a couple of hours. If you're not praying, you definitely are not worshiping. Who's fooling who?
No time or very little time is spent in reading the Word of God, so when do you plan on studying to show yourself approved unto God? We call right wrong and wrong right because we don't read Romans, chapter 1, to know that you weren't "born that way." We rehearse quotes from others saying, the Bible said this or that. You don't even know that what you have said is not even in the Bible nor is it a Biblical principal; but it sounded good to you, so you thought it was in the Word. Read it for yourself and you won't be ignorant nor deceived.
We sneak and lie, fornicate, commit adultery, indulge secretly in pornography and every other vile act or thinking and are quite confident that no one knows; but God knows. There's envy and jealousy in your heart, coveting others gifts, money, spouses, houses, cars, churches and lives, instead of thanking God for what He has done or given you. It is really depressing trying to keep up with the Jones' and you will be broke as sure as I breath. Maybe you can afford what you lust or covet, but it has to be tiring shopping all the time trying to get what someone else has. Maybe you are coveting someone else spiritual gift, well let me say it like this, if the Holy Spirit didn't anoint you with the gift, you are straight faking or working under the guise of a demonic spirit. If the Holy Spirit isn't speaking through you, please do yourself and everyone else a favor and remain quite. You will be messing up someone's life. Whoa, that's deep." I pray that this little message will help someone to re-evaluate their life, repent and begin to do what is pleasing in the sight of God. If our ways please God, then that is the only thing that matters.
As we continue to witness birth pains moving to the culmination of this present age, check yourself and repent before our Holy God and be holy for HE IS HOLY. You will then minister from a clean vessel. Nothing unclean will dwell with a Holy God.
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