Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Align the Heart and the Mouth

A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth that which is good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart brings forth that which is evil, for out of the abundance of the heart, his mouth speaks.
Luke: 6:45

It has been said the you can judge a book by it's cover, but this saying is not true. The cover of a book can be very beautiful, inviting and interesting, but the content can be very boring or ill written. The beauty industry make billions of dollars on products from anti-aging creams to eye makeup yearly because people want to enhance their looks or the outside of the book. Gyms, hair salons, tanning companies, beauty supply stores, plastic surgeons and the clothing industry all make billions, because people want the outer man to be beautiful. Little thought is put into changing the inner man; the character or the heart of a man.

Even self-help books that teaches us to become a better "you" are all designed for us to get what we want from other people by subtle manipulation or putting up a good front. Very rarely can a truly beautiful person be found today and if we find one, we have to search the Church. We can find beautiful people in the House of the Lord, for that is where the remnant of God will be found. When we find the truly righteous whose heart is filled with the abundance of God, that Holy Spirit filled person will speak from the light of their heart the precious wisdom of God.

I have learned that if you let a person talk long enough, that you will find out who they really are. It might take a minute, but the truth will finally come out. It's not in what they always say, it's also in what they do from the depths of a pure heart. Their heart will reveal who they really are. Whether they are genuine or fake will eventually come to light. The heart of a person will be manifested with time. Give anything time and what's beneath will be manifested. A steak might look good raw, but once it has gone through the fire, we can truly say whether it is a good cut or not. It is the same wit h people; once they have been tried by time and testing, the real self manifests. Anyone who marries will find out in time whether they have married their soulmate or their soul fake.

A person can do good things or good works and yet their hearts can be filled with hatred, malice, envy or jealousy. A man can financially support or pour his money into people or community projects, all the while having a secret hatred or belittling feelings toward those they appear to like. But TIME reveals the hidden issues of the heart. Out of the issues of the heart, the mouth speaks. The heart will eventually speak what's really in it. Only the close friends of the person may hear it, but it will be revealed.

I fully understand why God says that He judges the heart. We judge by what we see, but He judges what we don't see. It is a beautiful thing when I think about the Holy Spirit, who is able to change a dark heart to one of love. The Holy Spirit reveals and transforms the hidden evil issues of the heart to become soft and pliable, if we surrender our will to His will. The Word of God; the Bible, is able to cut through all the deceit and darkness of the heart and cause a man or woman to fully see what is really in them. There has to be a willingness to be changed and submit to the word and will of God.

We don't like to go through the refiners fire, but it is truly necessary to become more like Christ. It's a good thing to be refined and we must understand that the fire will not kill us. The refiners fire is a holy incinerator to burn off that which is not like God. So, examine yourself to see what's in your heart and if it is not pure, get rid of the thoughts and submit yourself to the word of God. You may have to meditate on a few scriptures until your heart grab it. I pray that you allow your heart and mouth to line up with the word of God. What's hidden in your heart and are you speaking what you really feel? Like the GPS says, "recalculate" your words by renewing your mind. Are you filled with the goodness of God? If not, change the content of your heart. Don't be a beautiful cover with empty pages on the inside. Be a living epistle that men can read and admire. Be exceedingly blessed in this season of Pentecost!

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