Wednesday, December 11, 2013

The Word of God On Your Life

For the word of God is living and active. It judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. Hebrews 4:12

We are living in desperate and turbulent times that tries and test the patience of the best of men. Daily we are bombarded by negativity from the media and from those we come into contact with. There is depression and oppression all around us and on every side, but we are not to be moved by the emotions of men because we are called to be atmosphere changers. We change the atmosphere wherever we go if we remember what our mandate from the Lord is. We can turn the atmosphere from darkness to light and from the spirit of heaviness to the life. We are called to go forth into our communities and show the people the way to live. But, how can we show others the way if we have forgotten it ourselves? We must shake off the scales, loose the shackles and allow the Word of God to burst forth in our bellies like rivers of living waters. Let the living word of God flow out of our inner man to feed ourselves first and then to feed others. We have to remind ourselves that the only sure thing we have in these trying times is the precious Word of God and the Holy Spirit who is our guide, teacher, helper and comforter.

When the world says we can't; God's word says, we can! So whose report will we believe? We will believe the report of the Lord. He alone gives peace that transcends human understanding. When the enemy comes against us, the word of God stands for us. We believe in a living and active word. It has life and it begets life. Nothing can separate us from the love of God; nothing, but we must remind ourselves that the living rhema says so. Come to the living waters of the Word of God and let it give you the wisdom you need in these days. When you are faced with a circumstance that seems difficult, meditate on the word of God. It doesn't matter what man says about any circumstance, God's word remains true.

God said through His word that He is able to do exceedingly and abundantly, above all that we can ask or think. Now that's deep if you really chew or meditate on God's word. Before you could think it, He has already answered it in a mighty way. You don't even know that your prayer was answered because you hadn't thought to even ask about it yet. O.K., let me put this thing another way, you didn't even know that you needed an answer or help to the strategic attack from the enemy on your life, but God provided the answer. You didn't know you had a problem. He just slid in the answer or the blessing and you walked in it. He prepared the way out before you even knew you were in a place that was about to derail you. God placed your feet in a wide place and enlarged your territory before you could even ask or think. You told others of your elevation or accomplishment without even knowing that God had repositioned you from the place where the enemy planned to destroy you. We praise Him when He blesses our lives, but we are not aware that God prospered us when we had no knowledge that He worked behind the scene. That is why the word says to thank Him for all things, because He has given His angels charge over our lives to minister (work on our behalf) to us when we are not aware of their presence or movement in our lives. Our God, who knew you before the foundations of the earth already knew what you would need and provided the answer before you could even ask the question. Hallelujah, who can deny a God like Him?

We are entering the season of great turmoil on the earth and God want you to take the time and examine yourselves to see if you are in the faith. Check your faith and walk in it, knowing what the Word says about you. Remind yourself that God cares for you and placed a down payment into you (His Spirit). Those who love and obey the Lord will see the greatest move of God on their lives and will glorify Him for His goodness and favor. I am not talking about material things necessarily, but those things of the Spirit that will help you in times ahead. How do you strategically move in a world filled with fear? You move by the hand of God and the promises in His word! Your personal time with Him will be off the chart and when you need strength or strategy, the Holy Spirit will bring back to your rememberance what you have read in your personal time with Him. You won't need others to propel you into His presence, you will hunger and thirst for Him. Worship will break out in your spirit, singing songs of praise in your inner man to Him, songs that no man has taught you, because you will sing new songs from the depths of your soul to a God who has met you in the secret place to deliver and bless you.

Stay in His word, it's good to read other people's blogs, articles or books, but read His Book, to get a personal word for yourself. Let His word judge your thoughts so that you can bring your attitude and thoughts under submission to His word. For it truly is living and active; never out of date or empty. It will do what God meant for it to do and will not return to Him empty. It will divide the foolish behavior from godly behavior. It will drive out feelings of being unloved to knowing that God so loved you that He gave His only begotten Son. It will cause the heavy blanket of depression and the spirit of oppression to lift off you and the Word which is active will move light into your inner man. It is living...alive, for it is the Word who lived in the Old Testament and Holy Spirit inspired in the New Testament. Jesus says take His yoke upon you; His yoke is the anointing, the Holy Spirit and learn of Him. Taste and see that the Lord is good.

Someone needed this word today and I bless God as you read it and place it in you heart. Your current situation is a set-up for God riches blessings on your life. Fresh oil will flow in and from you in this season. In the Old Testament the holy men put on garments to show their place in God, but He tells us today to put on the garment of praise. Your heart or attitude will change, no matter what is going on in your life when you know how to take on the living word and act on it in praise. God's word is active, alive, it moves, it challenges that which need to be removed from your life to move out. It produces the fruit of God when you act on it. I speak the blessings of God over your life as you move into this wonderful season for the body of Christ. Let the Redeemed say so!

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