Homosexuality: A lifestyle choice or just the way some are born?
Article written by: Minister KB Brooks
HIS Elect Ministries
Disclaimer: This article is a focus on homosexuality as a chosen lifestyle not caused by sexual abuse, persuasion, or coercion.
Psalm 139:13-14 states, “For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.”
When God created mankind, he made no mistake in doing so. His power is inexhaustible and knows no error. He did not create a man to have the nature of a woman or a woman to have the nature of a man. He created us so perfectly that he gave us the sound mind and will to freely live as we please to on this earth be it the choice to live right or wrong. No one was created to be born gay. If we were created to be homosexual, then we too were created to be fornicators, idolaters, murderers, thieves, slanderers, and so on.
Homosexuality is a sin. There is no doubt about it. We are born into a world of sin and therefore awaited by Satan, our adversary, for the right opportunity to introduce us into a sin fitting for each of us that will trap us for the destruction and annihilation of God's people. This is a fact and not my opinion. The Word of God is living and true and has till this day continued to stand the test of times.
Homosexuality is not a disease or a character trait but a lived out act of sin like every other sinful choice mankind chooses to live in. It falls under the sins of sexual immorality. If you are single and sexually active, you are a fornicator. If you are married and have sexual acts or affection with others outside of your marriage you are an adulterer. All these acts among others are defined as sexual immorality and sinful acts against the laws of God.
To delve further into the reasons why homosexuality is a sin and a lifestyle and not a genetic trait we are born with, I’d like to direct you to the following scriptures. Genesis 2:18 says: Then the Lord God said, “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him.” Now there are key points to adhere to in this scripture alone before I go further. God said “it is not good for man to be alone…” We can all agree that no one likes to be alone. We were created with an innate gene to want conversation and affiliation with someone or a group. This is why organizations, fraternities, gangs, etc. exist. Mankind has a need to be associated with a group of persons or others like themselves. God could've created another man as a partner or friend to hang out with forever. If you put five males and five females in a room together and the ten are all strangers to each other, the two sexes will gravitate towards their same gender because they will automatically feel more comfortable in relating to each other and have more in common to talk about. By this logic there would be no need for the creation of two sexes.
Then God said "I will make him a helper..." When performing work, genders tend to work or do a job better when working with the same sex because they can relate better in thought as well as have comfortable conversation. They will both normally have some like-mindedness on how to perform a job and get expected results. Wouldn't a helper for a man best be another man? What man when performing a job such as heavy lifting for example first chooses a woman as their helper? What woman first chooses a man as her helper when tending to households duties or young children? But further reading states "…a helper fit for him." God was not talking about just work or conversation. He is talking about all aspects of life beyond those two things. There is a special bond and union created between a man and woman that only the two can properly enjoy. It is scientifically proven that two positives or two negatives cannot come together and form a proper unit in order to function. Batteries, magnets, left and right for example. This holds true for man and woman as well. The phrase "opposites attract" has never rung truer concerning this.
So what is a helper “fit for a man?” Someone who can assist in leading and guiding yet not butt heads for control and cause confusion and dissension between each other. Someone who can think on a completely different spectrum in order for a relationship to work in tandem as God originally created. A Batman and Robin, if you will. A caddie to a golfer. God specifically chose a woman as a “helper” to assist a man where he will fall short where they both carry these distinct characteristics to fit the role as a unit. Women are emotional, affectionate beings. They carry the traits humans need to properly have compassion and feelings for others. No man can display affection like a woman. Likewise, men are logical thinkers and created to lead and direct. No woman can perform this job the way God originally intended. Generally, women can see potential in people or things where as men see people or things for how they appear. A man can never properly teach a young girl how she should manner herself just as a woman can never really show a young boy how to be a man. Because of these situations, this is the reason why single parent homes remain single parent homes generation after generation. God’s intended plan is not being put in place.
And then God created us with the ability to have sex as well as the desire for such a gift. He did not have to create mankind with the feelings and urges for sexual desire. Sex is not just for procreation but also for pleasure. Homosexuality cannot exist had procreation been the only purpose. Our rectums were not created to bear children. We know this. Had it been for procreation only, then this article would be over already. However, the pleasure we get from sex between a man and a woman is awesome and wonderful yet is just a smidgen of the union that our spirits will experience with God when we are completely focused on Him and choose to live a righteous life. God did not have to create man and woman. He could have created men to be asexual beings ending the debate about procreation and the need for women. He is God and chooses to make creations as he pleases. He did not have to make us beings with the need for procreation. He could have on the 6th day created 8 billion human beings to inhabit this earth with no ability for sex or procreation.
Satan has perverted the mind into using love inappropriately. Homosexuals’ biggest and first defense is almost always "You can't help who you love." Actually you can because love is an act more than affection. The true definition of love is an unselfish loyal and benevolent concern for the good of another. To love is to show love. This is an act, not a feeling. Feelings and emotions are a part of love but when love is treated as an emotion or feeling only, then it isn't love. It is lust. The definition of lust is an intense unbridled sexual desire or an intense longing. Lust is a trait of the devil: one of the seven deadly sins. Love is first and foremost an act then an affection. You have to act out love before you can feel love. Satan has us thinking that love and sex go hand and hand. This is not the case. You can have love for another man and not be a homosexual. You can have feelings for another man and not be a homosexual. The perversion happens when you begin to think and act on that love in affectionate ways toward that man or same sex. This is the plan of Satan, the enemy; to kill, steal, and destroy (John 10:10).
The man gave names to all livestock and to the birds of the heavens and to every beast of the field. But for Adam there was not found a helper fit for him. Genesis 18:20 proves that a woman was best suited for a man as every other creature on the earth was with mate. Yet Adam had none fit for him. Again, God could have just created another man to accompany Adam but verses 22-23 of the same chapter states, “And the rib that the Lord God had taken from the man he made into a woman and brought her to the man. Then the man said, “This at last is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called woman, because she was taken out of Man.” Yet another opportunity for God to create another man to prove that homosexuality is moral rather than immoral. Also, note that one man and one woman were created. Not one man and two women or vice versa. A special bond of intimacy was meant only between one man and one woman solidifying the true meaning of marriage where only sexual affection should take place.
Homosexuality is one of the many prisons of the devil that one has played with and found themselves entangled in. It is no different than any other sinful act such as fornication, drugs or alcohol, polygamous relationships or any other unrighteous act. These sins are sometimes a form of addiction or recreation. Once you try it the first time and it is “not as bad as you thought” or you felt some sort of enjoyment out of it, your emotions and peer pressure entices you to try it again. Sooner rather than later you do not realize or no longer care about the ultimate consequences that come from such a lifestyle. Sometimes you’re so indulged into it and around company that embraces it that the seriousness of its implications loses its bearings. When we choose to live in sin we risk perverting the minds and thinking of others. The young and the weak are most affected. 1 Peter 5:8 says “Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.” When you sin there is a domino that affects others around you or who love you if they are not rooted in Christ themselves. There are healthy, Godly addictions that affect others in the way God intended such as faith, hope, positivity, and optimism. Love itself is one of the greatest addictions. Cling to these things and God will reveal himself to you.
So if love is an act that you put into play then so too is repentance. But you have to want to change and cannot make excuses for yourself claiming that this is just the way you are. To repent is to change one’s mind and turn away from sin. You have to choose to cease living in sin and choose to live for righteousness. We need to desire and strive to live for healthy addictions that we have the ability to act on. These are God implemented and commanded by Him to all mankind and bears no consequence; only rewards on earth as well as heaven. For the Word states in Matthew 18:18, “Truly, I say to you, whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.”
Minister KB Brooks
HIS Elect Ministries
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