Thursday, December 6, 2012

Childlike Faith

This morning while making the bed, I reached over to my CD player to put on some praise music. There is a Torah Scroll displaying the Book of Isaiah in Hebrew sitting on the CD player. My grandchildren have been taught the importance of "grandma's toys" and that they should never touch them. I saw some coins sitting at the bottom of the scroll page and wondered who would have placed the money in the scroll. I knew the guilty culprit was my grandson and decided I would discipline him upon his return home. But, then the memory flashed back to my mind of something that happened last week.

My three year old grandson Camron, brought some money to me that he wanted to give to Jesus. I told him to put it on the night stand and I would take it to church on Sunday. I remembered him looking at me kinda strange and then I continued to finish what I was doing as he walked over to the area of the cd player. I remembered him asking me what the Torah Scroll was and I explained it to him in elementary terms, that it was the same as the Bible and that I had bought it in the Holy Land in Jerusalem. I explained that it was written in Hebrew and that it was the Book of Isaiah. Of course, I thought all this rolled over his little head, Well, he may not have understood a lot about it, but he placed his offering on the Torah Scroll. I could just imagine the joy in his little heart giving his few coins to Jesus in his childlike faith. This small child often expresses his love for me and for Jesus and I knew that God had filled his little heart with joy for placing his treasure at the foot of the "Word." I have moved the coins off the page, but I will keep it at the foot of the Torah stand.

How blessed we would be if we gave with such innocence and love as a small child. Most of us give grudgingly and only participate because we don't want anything said about our stingy natures. We should open our hearts and hands because we love and we love because we know God. The more we have; the less we give. We don't need anyone to hold a marathon to give to a particular organization or cause, because there is need all around us. There are young, unmarried mothers who have young children that we can bless. I have always been impressed with organizations as the United Way, Angel Tree, Feed the Children and organizations and churches who give to children in undeveloped nations who are in need of fresh water, food and clothing. The churches and organizationns who help in times of natural disasters are walking in the understanding of love. There are missionaries who give up their lives and comforts to go and live around the world to help the poor, suffering and unsaved; this is pure and undefiled love. Those who give up their time to go the hospitals, nursing homes and prisons to visit and minister are doing the ministry of Jesus Christ. You don't have to be a Mother Teresa or David Wilkerson to give; it doesn't take much and the News press and trumpets don't have to blow before you give to help others.

There is a child in your children's class, their playmate, the neighbor next door or it maybe your own family member.
Now, you may think that your family member got themselves into a fix by not listening to sound advice and sought to do their own thing; thereby sealing their own fate of poverty. But what about their children? They are innocent and should not suffer because they have a foolish parent. Help the child. Bless without looking back or thinking about what you could have done with the money. We bless because we have been blessed by God to do so. Find someone to make your family's project this year. Take the young ones in your family to the store and have them buy a gift for someone they know who has a need. OK, you say, I can't afford it...not true, for everything in the Dollar Store is a dollar! I know you have a dollar!!!

I'm not even talking about Christmas gifts, I am speaking of a life of blessing others. Give a sandwich, prayer, glass of water or something; just give. Stop being a sponge expecting others to always bless you. I'm absolutely flabbergasted everytime I hear someone say that nobody has given them anything. So what? You give and watch joy come into your miserable life. There truly is a blessing in giving. If you walk through the Mall and smile at those whose eyes meet your eyes, you will find the countenance of others lifting. Bless others and God will fill your cup to overflow status. Jesus said, "give and it shall be given back to you, full measure, pressed down and shaken together, shall MEN give unto your busom. That is a promise my brother and sister. Your blessing may not come from the one you gave to; it may come from other sources. Remember, when you help, give, serve and minister to the least of them, you do it to the Lord. You will hear the words of Jesus that will be so sweet and overwhelming..."enter into that promise that has been prepared for you from the foundations of the earth!" Be exceedingly blessed and be a blessing to others.

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