Thursday, July 5, 2012

2012 The Year of Extremes

A lifeguard attempted to rescued a drowning man and was fired from his job because it was out of his jurisdiction. He was not applauded as a hero who tried to save a life, but rather an insubordinate employee who broke the rules of the job. How crazy can that be? A father in Memphis killed his young three year old son for wetting himself and carried the baby's lifeless body to the trash bin, throwing him in as if the child was a piece of garbage. Then this father told the camera man who interviewed him, that he was "hurting real bad" as if he was grieving over the loss of his child's life. The city is in pain, but not this father. There has been a rash of parental killings escalating over the years, from abortions to beatings or shootings. Some parents are not able to love that sweet little image of themselves anymore. To some, the children have become an inconvenience in their lives.

It is a time of extreme offense, whether in the Church or the world. Everyone is offended about something. It is so crazy that if a person is a peacemaker and try to help people bridge their relationships, they are attacked. They will tell you that "you can't make us like each other" all the while enjoying the pit they have dug for themselves.

2012 has become a year of the extremes. Extreme violence, madness, anger, weather, killings and for the Church, dominion, power, authority and glory. Many Christians have no idea that they have been equipped with power, authority or glory, so they walk around waiting for something to happen when it already has. The kingdom is an unseen kingdom and the subjects are arrayed in unseen royal clothing. The outpouring of the new wine in their lives is unseen and the authority endowed on each person has been unseen. We are to function without an unction; not because we feel it, but because we have the faith to operate in the gifts. If we ask God for the gift to bless others, He will give it to us for His glory. When we are in position to move in the power of God, we will find out that we are equipped to do so. When did it happen? While you were in His presence, He overshadowed you in His glory. God has increased insight, discernment and patience. He has anointed us with a greater level of faith and power to function in ways we have never functioned in before. We are looking for that which has already been poured into us and smeared on us by the Holy Spirit. We are wiser, have more discernment, patience and love. We have greater trials and distractions and haven't taken the time to notice that we have been bumped up a notch or so. We are waiting for eagles wings to appear, all the while soaring through the winds of trouble, When the storms of life have come, we have sought the Lord and not paid attention that we were flowing in the answer until after the problem has been resolved.

Father is increasing the love walk of the remnant. Our hearts are concerned with His heart and we eagerly desire to walk in the spirit and please our God. Our delight is in Him and we look forward to the times when we can get alone with Him. We are not interested in the idols of the land for our full attention and affection is for our God.

1 comment:

  1. Very well said. I couldn't agree with this word more
