Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Growing Tall to Bow

The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field, but while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat and went his way. But when the grain had sprouted and produced a crop, then the tares also appeared…Let both grow together until the harvest… Matthew 13:4-26, 30

If it looks like a duck and it quacks like a duck, is it always a duck? Not necessarily. Wheat and weeds look alike when it begin to sprout up from the ground, but as it matures, the characteristics change. There are some types of tares or weeds that look just like wheat and can’t be distinguished by the average person until maturity. Mature wheat bows its head and mature weeds stand tall. Believers who are mature and are worshippers, bow their head in honor and worship of God, but the proud tares will stand tall, refusing to bow their knees to the one who gives them their very life. True worshippers grow to maturity to bow in humility; they grow tall to bow.

We are witnessing the maturing of the Church, as well as the difference between the wheat and the tare. The tare will grow prouder and more arrogant, but the meek and humble will bow their hearts and heads in submission before their God. To the watchful eye, the humble may appear to be weak, seemingly allowing themselves to become targets of ridicule, but there is a sweet place in God's presence that no one and nothing can touch or tear you away from. A non worshipper can't understand it, nor can they reach the heavenly heights of this place called "worship." It's not in a service, a song or a physical place, but in the realm of God. Our hearts soar and our spirit man is renewed and rejuvenated in the secret place of God. We passionately desire to get back to that place when we have to interact with the issues of this world. We deeply desire to abandon ourselves in a quiet place to be alone with God.

I write this to the wheat, the sheep, the elect of God, who are called for kingdom purposes. Don't neglect to make time to get with God. Even though our schedules may be extremely busy, we must find the time to worship. We can't live without Him. The more you stay away, the easier it is to lose the desire to quiet yourself with the Lord. Sing to the Lord a song that will bring you into a place of total peace with Him. If you have fallen into the habit of busying yourself before seeking the Lord, then I encourage you to get back on track. We are surrounded by bad news all day long, but there is a place in God that nothing can touch us. There is a place in worship, where we sing a song unto the Lord that the world can’t penetrate, because we sit with Him in heavenly places. Get a melody in your heart as you go about your daily business and meditate on that song or the Word of God, as the peace of God envelops your very being. Oh, how precious it is to live in the sweet, quiet presence of God apart from all the drama that may be around us. True peace in the midst of the storm is when our focus and heart is fixed on God.

May you be exceedingy blessed.

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