I have heard this word in my spirit for seven days...Tekel
and I had a vision of a balancing scale this morning.
Tekel – meaning: you have been weighed on the scales and found deficient.
And when he broke the third seal, I heard the third living creature saying “Come, and I looked, and behold, a black horse; and he who sat on it had a pair of scales in his hand. Rev 6:5
Several years ago, I had the most frightening vision of a huge black stallion running through my bedroom and this powerful beast stopped in front of me, raised up on his hind feet as he snorted smoke from his nose and I noticed his eyes that were absolutely fiery and frightening. Behind him marched many armies from differing nations.
This vision scared me to no end and began to come back to me lately. Last night I kept hearing the word, “tekel” and then I heard scales. I also heard in my spirit for the past several weeks, “and do not harm the oil and the wine,” which is found in Revelation 5:6.
The Black horse represents famine in the land. We are already witnessing raising gas and food prices. The elements of nature are working against us…tornadoes and floods have wrecked the economy of many states. We are experiencing super storms that can wipe out an entire town. Our country is continuing to struggle financially, despite the work of the best financial minds our nation has to offer to solve the problem. Experts say they have the answer, but we have not seen anything that is workable, yet. We are balancing in the scales. Don’t you sense the calm before he storm?
This is a message to the Body of Christ.
We, the Church, profess to be Kingdom minded, and we rightly should, but we have forgotten the basic ingredients that kingdom representatives should walk in. We have moved from intimacy with God, worship and prayer to conferences and workshops to bring in more money for the speakers or church. We may even have prayer conferences, but prayer for one day has no merit if the people refuse to return to personal prayer as a lifestyle. If the Church don’t fall on her knees and turn back to God, we will witness a turn of events that will cause this country to go into a downward spiral, unlike America has ever witnessed. It will not be the fault of the unregenerate man, but the fault of the Church, because you refuse to turn from the madness of sin and depravity in the House of God and in your own homes. We profess God with our mouths, but our hearts are far from Him. We are beginning to make God into our image without any fear of the repercussions that will follow self idolatry.
You, Laodicea, who is puffed up with pride, have no idea that you have been weighed in the balance and found deficient. The scales are balancing and it doesn’t look good for us. Leader after leader is malfunctioning by the hand of evil principalities and your own lusts. Can you not see that time is swiftly passing? Can you not see that we are having an unnatural winter season? Can you see the handwriting on the wall for pestilence and famine in America? Can you not see the turmoil around us? Can you not see the children are screaming for help? Wake up, Church! Get your oil for the hour is short and you don’t have the time you think you have.
Call a fast, fall on your knees and get right before God. You are lukewarm!!! You think you are rich and have need of nothing, but you are wretched and miserable (crying for revival), poor (spiritually) and naked (no anointing). Anoint yourselves in your homes, dedicate your homes back to God…delete some websites that’s causing you to continue in sin (pornography) and saturate your homes with pure worship songs, anoint your rooms and lay before God and worship Him. Repent! Return to righteousness and live. If you don’t pray, the forces of nature are going to wreck this nation.
You have been warned! Those who have an ear, hear what the Spirit is saying to the Church.
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