You are from God, little children, and have overcome them; because greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world. They are from the world; therefore they speak as from the world, and the world listens to them. We are from God; he who knows God listens to us; he who is not from God does not listen to us. By this we know the spirit of truth and the spirit of error.
1 John 4:4-6
It has been said that television mimics life. If that is true, then just thirty minutes in front of the television will reveal how despairing life has become in the 21st century. People have become so depraved in their minds that they have become paranoid. The thing that gets me about television today is all the voyeurism programs that are suppose to show us how the rich or famous live. These shows are filled with competition and strife between neighbors or friends. Television portray these women vacationing together at great tourist locations or staying in beautiful homes and all they can think to do is dress up in beautiful clothes, wear gorgeous hairstyles and gossip, slander, lie and fight one another. Wives or girlfriends, who are way too old for their immature behavior, parade themselves in front of the cameras, slamming each other because they are convinced that the other women are jealous of them because of their immense beauty. Beautiful women, who are impeccably dressed, offend the ears when they open their mouths with all manner of vile communication against those they are hanging out with. They really prove the saying, “beauty is only skin deep.” I pray that these women are not what young women are modeling their friendship after. I cringe at the thought of all the young girls and women who sit in front of the television week after week ingesting these toxic relationships.
Guard your eye gates and guard your ear gates, young women! What you allow your eyes to take in and your ears to listen to are destructive for any relationship. These programs will make you paranoid of any natural relationship you have. This stuff gets into your mind and soul and will cause you to walk totally contrary to the Word you have received from God. Guard your gates, for the enemy has set out to destroy all human relationships. He has done a humdinger on marriages and has corrupted the very institution God calls “holy.” Now, the enemy is aiming at friendships. Everyone is becoming paranoid that their friends are thinking the worst of them. We are from God; our thoughts should be thoughts of trust and love toward one another.
This thing has crept into the Church in such an illegal way that it is frightening. Those who are in leadership are offended if they are corrected by those who God has placed over them, to the point that they will allow their tongues to poison others in the Church. Beware, those of you who wag your tongues against leadership; remember, Aaron and Miriam who spoke against Moses; God was not pleased. The spirit of offense is in the Church as well as doubt, fear and unbelief. Leaders are dealing with the spirit of oppression and don’t even realize it. It is time to take authority over the powers of darkness that have invaded your life to destroy your relationships and peace.
You are from God and the Spirit of Truth is confronting you, if you have allowed yourself to become contaminated by the seeds of discord. So many in the Church are spending precious time rehearsing negative thoughts that they “think” someone is thinking about them, instead of spending time meditating on the things of God. We are to be about Kingdom, not the works of darkness. Those of you, who are using the telephone to spew your venom against another brother or sister, shame on you. Let the underworld choke on itself; you need to get out of the equation of evil communication and become an edifier.
The Church has shifted and in the midst of the shift there is shaking. Everything that can be shaken will be shaken. What is shaking? I hear the tree shaking and every branch that is not attached to the tree will fall.
I Am the True Vine, and My Father is the vinedresser. Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit, He takes away, and every branch that bears fruit, He prunes it, that it may bear more fruit. John 15:1-2
Some may think that the trials you are going through right now are from Satan. NOT! Much of it is from God, for He is pruning the Church to produce greater fruit. Cutting hurts! Truth hurts! Correction hurts! Chastisement hurts! But, to those that the Father loves, He chastens so that they can get back on track and win the race, for it is not given to the swift, or to the strong, but to those who endure. Endure hardships, saints. Endure correction and live. Many have fallen by the wayside because they didn’t want hardships. The world is filled with hardships, so why choose the world? That is a mystery to me for a person to seek the things of the world after having tasted the heavenly gift of God.
It is time for the glorious Church to arise! The Church will not be seen as glorious to the world and the world will not be jealous for the Church if we don’t stop the madness. Let this hour start with you. You be the light you were ordained to be. You raise the standard of holiness in your life and realize that you are responsible for what you say and do. You are being measured by the standard God has placed before you in His Holy Word. The bar has been raised, and there is no longer time for immaturity in the Church. Get over yourself and your personal issues, by casting down every thought and imagination that exalts itself against the knowledge of God. We are in the season of maturity to bring about the finest hour the Church has ever witnessed. God is coming back for a Church without spot or wrinkle, so we must get in line with the Word of God and be a doer and not hearer of the Word. True Kingdom is demonstrating the ministry of Jesus Christ, which is a walk of love.
Watchmen, take your position and watch and pray. Gatekeepers take position and guard the gate with prayer! Intercessors, keep your hearts open to be able to lift others up and stand in the gap for them. Five-fold ministers and other ministry gifts, stand as holy men and women before God. It is time for everyone to be on their posts and do the work of the Kingdom.
God delights Himself in those who walk in the spirit of love toward one another, for Christ is love personified. I speak a blessing over those who read this article and adjust their lives to the Word of God without murmuring, in Jesus name.
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