Monday, November 14, 2011

Corporate Praise, the Power of Agreement

How can two walk together, except they be agreed? Amos 3:3

I once worked for a traditional church that did not particularly move in the gifts of the Spirit, but the people were kind and loving. They functioned in the place of their understanding and did good works for victims of hurricanes, earthquakes, famines or those in poverty. We communicated the things of God on the level that they could understand and that was, the sacrifice that Jesus paid. I attended their services on occasion and although it was very quiet and different from what I am use to, I could still see where the people were experiencing God. The services were quiet and sweet and the people were kind.

It is wonderful to fellowship with those who believe in the resurrected Christ. No matter where I have gone in the world, I have been able to hook up with others who believe as I do. This sweet fellowship of Believers transcends language and ethnicity. Our praise and worship ascends to the heights of Heaven, as we worship together.

On a recent journey to Israel, while sailing on the Sea of Galilee, several of us on the boat began to sing praise songs. We were on the boat with people from other denominations as well as other religions, but we were giving God the praise that belongs to Him. As our boat entered the dock, a wind came up from nowhere and after most of the people go off the boat, it began to rock back and forth before we could get off he boat. There was no change in the weather, but this wind began to blow. One of our ministers was in worship and wasn’t coming out of it (I’m sure she didn’t want to). She was transfixed with her Beloved and needed help to get off the boat. I know others were wondering as I was, where this wind suddenly came from. There were no cloud changes in the sky; just wind strong enough to give the boat a good rocking and shake. I began to ponder to myself of the power of praise and worship, for there was no other explanation for the sudden wind and rocking of the boat.

Unity in praise will change things. We may not understand the reasons for everything, but we will know that it is the Lord who has stepped into our situation, because of the power of agreement. We were in agreement with God and one another to the place that the weather was influenced. I began thinking about how Jesus responded on the boat, that changed the weather from stormy to calm. I believe we had His approval because our hearts were filled with praise of Him. How can we walk together without agreement? We can’t!!! There will be discord and strife, just what the enemy desires to bring to every Believer. Praise God, for we live in the realm of God where He will help us to walk holy before Him. The true Church is girding up to walk in holiness and agreement to become powerful and effective in this hour. The enemy can’t stop what God has ordained.

We are approaching Thanksgiving, a time when families and friends usually get together and break bread. Our family started a tradition a few years ago that we would interact with one another, instead of the men going off to another room to watch football on television. God is always the center of our Thanksgiving gathering and we purpose to have fun for hours. Each year different ones in the family will have a theme for Thanksgiving and we all contribute the food so that it won't be a hardship on one person. The children are involved in our gatherings and love to receive gifts. God will be glorified and we will have a great time with family and friends. Our gatherings get better and better with each year. The children expect to come together and have a good time with their cousins and those who put the event together always keep things secret until we all walk in on Thanksgiving, and believe me, we are always pleasantly surprised.

So, praise the Lord in corporate agreement to shake the foundations of the earth and have a blessed Thanksgiving.

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