Thursday, September 22, 2011

Anointed to Change

Life changes fast and in the midst of the change we must be able to be flexible. We witness the stock market going up and down, the unemployment numbers change, the world economic situation change, leadership in nations change and weather change. A friend of mine who is a prophet often says that the people are now calling, good bad and bad good. She is so right. The world has changed to openly embrace things that once were known as unspeakable things. Everything we have known and were comfortable with has changed; everything; only God remains the same. He and He alone, is stable and unchangeable.

In a world where there is constant change, the stock market, nations, friends, and even family, I find it comforting to know that my God remains the stable rock in my life. God roars, “I AM GOD AND I CHANGE NOT!’ Everything else in life will change and that is not always a bad thing. Some change we welcome…a new job, new baby, new friends, a fresh wardrobe, great car, deeper revelation of God’s Word, a greater anointing and deeper love. I just want to remind those who belong to God to embrace change. God tells us to change our minds or putting it another way, be transformed by the renewing of our minds. We are to change our weakness to strength; our intimidation to authority. We are to put on the whole armor of God and to pursue holiness. We are to seek peace and pursue it. That means to eagerly run after peace. One day, as we continue in our process of change, we will experience the ultimate change and that is from our weak earthly bodies to eternal spiritual bodies.

We only have a glimpse of who God is calling us to be. We should be able to move in the realms of God and to discern the spiritual from the natural. Our desire should be for the things of God and His Kingdom. Don’t miss God in this awesome season of change; adjust your thinking to the Word of God, being filled with the Holy Spirit, emerging in the authority of Jesus Christ to display kingdom wisdom and power.

I have included a song that has been in my spirit for two days and I wanted to add it to this blog. The version I had was recorded by the Clark Sisters, and it brought me through a terrible storm some years ago, as I played it over and over again, until it got in my spirit and God delivered me from fear to victory. God turned my weeping into laughter and my mourning into dancing; Hallelujah!!! For those of you who are going through trials at this time, cut off the News and begin to sing into the atmosphere of God’s goodness and watch all your fears disappear. There is no fear in faith. Stir up your faith and put muscles on it. Stir yourself up to victory. Sing the song of the Lord and decree deliverance to yourself.

Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits and see if they are of God. The enemy comes to steal your joy and peace, but you are to stand on the infallible Word of God to total victory. Find a scripture that fits your circumstance and stand on it until you believe the Word. Satan throws darts of fear, but God covers us in His perfect peace. The Word says, "arise and shine, for your light has come"...that's change and it is all good.

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