Friday, May 20, 2011

Anointed As Sons of Light

A few months ago, the Lord began to show me territorial principalities over cities and states. He anointed me to be able to see what principalities dominate over the regions and how the people are affected by these principalities. Each region has it's own distinct issues because of the territorial fallen angels over their regions. These evil principalities work feverishly to prevent the Body of Christ from walking in love, victory and in the glory realm. They work to cause division for they know that where there is division, there can be no agreement, for agreement births victory.

We waste so much time examining one another, when the Word of God tells us to examine ourselves. Look at yourself and get right before God. You know your issues; fix them. You don't need anyone to point out your issues, for if you are in leadership, you are fully aware of every area of your life that does not line up with God's word. The word says that some things should not be named among us. Get over the, "yeah but," syndrome and just walk holy before a Holy God. You will be sorry if you don't self correct, because the enemy will use it against you. The enemy majors in dividing the body of Christ to prevent us from walking in Kingdom mandates. After the flood, the people joined in agreement to build the Tower of Babel and ELOHIM came down to see the city the people were building. The Lord said, If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them. Come, let us go down and confuse their language so they will not understand each other. So the Lord scattered them.... Genesis 11;5-8

What would have happened if all the apostles and prophets in every city where the flooding took place, had agreed and joined forces on the banks of the Mississippi River and decreed the waters to halt!!!!! I can only imagine the miracle that would have taken place. That would have definitely been kingdom. So, kingdom people, what are we doing to really make a difference in the earth? Are we really jacking up Satan's domain? No we are not, because of the issues that stand between us. There can be no issues of the flesh, mindsets, sex, age, race, popularity, ministry titles, large or small ministries nor denominations that should separate the Body of Christ. The kingdom of darkness plan strategies to cause division among the people of Light. We have dominion because of sonship. 2011 started off with a bang in the world's realm but God is calling forth His Remnant to finish this year with a BOOM operating in mighty exploits in the spiritual and secular realms. We are commissioned to go forth...subdue saints and dominate.

Take authority over your issues and move by the Spirit of God to reveal the Light of Christ in a dark world. Your personal world may not be dark, but look around you...the people are groping in the dark and fear is gripping them. But the sons of God are to arise and shine with His anointing, as perfected Church and a powerful Church. A Church focused on God and moving as one in the power of love to cause destruction to the kingdom of darkness. Slay all issues that have you bound for the hour is late and it is time to ARISE!!!

1 comment:

  1. "Look at you! You are beautiful, my true love!Look at you! You are so beautiful! Your eyes are like doves!" (Song of Solomon 1:15)

    Father, give us doves eyes so that we may see others as You see us! Keep us humble beneath Your mighty right hand.
