Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Anointed to Shift

As I sat on a couch watching my daughter suffer as her body went through the travail of labor, I noticed she was totally focused on getting through the labor pain. Up until this point, she had been experiencing Braxton hick’s contractions, preparing her body for the birth. She had been experiencing these contractions for a couple of months; the shifting, discomfort and tightening of the muscles, preparing her body for birth. Unless there is a scheduled c-section, no one knows the day or the hour that the mother will go into birth. The moms are given a due date based on her last menstrual cycle and the doctors can give the mom-to-be an ultrasound to determine the age of the fetus, but so far, it is up for grabs when the blessed event will happen. Although my daughter had a scheduled c-section, no one worried about her going into labor, but her water broke and changed all plans. Although she was scheduled for a c section the next day, the breaking of the waters made the birth imminent; this would be the day of the baby’s birth. The pains began to be difficult for her as she lay on her side and between pains she would rest for a moment, and then she would grab her hip or the railing preparing her body for the next wave of pain. She did this over and over again. I prayed that God would ease her pain, but as we all know, labor is labor. It is hard work and as the body prepares itself for the final event. The nurse came in and raised the back of her bed up a bit and had her change position. I noticed that she wasn’t suffering anymore after this positional change. All she had to do was to change position and her labor was eased.

Now as He sat on the Mount of Olive opposite the temple, Peter, James, John and Andrew asked Him privately, “tell us, when will these things be? And what will be the sign when all these things will be fulfilled? Mark 13:3-4.

The disciples asked two questions and Jesus answered their questions, by telling them that there will be terrible things happening on the earth that will increase; deception, wars, earthquakes in various places, famines, betrayal of the saints, false claims of Christ, and powerful shaking in the heavens. But there will also be a time of powerful evangelism and mighty exploits from the sons of God. The gospel is being preached throughout the whole earth by means of television and radio broadcasting the gospel all over the planet. There are missionaries, evangelists and apostles, going from nation to nation preaching the gospel and establishing churches. There are hundreds of ministries preaching and sending the Word out over the internet. Not to mention cell phones with the Bible in every language, prayer lines on the telephone; ministers who are truck drivers spreading the gospel over the radio, magazines, books, tracks and e-books saturating the stores and internet about the gospel of Jesus Christ. The gospel of Jesus Christ is covering the earth, even in the 10/40 window.

The world has been experiencing birth pains for centuries and these pains have increased tremendously over the years. We know that the whole creation is waiting for the redemption for the son’s of God and the son’s of God should realize that we are in our finest hour.

It is like a man going to a far country, who left his house and gave authority to his servants and to each his work and commanded the doorkeeper to watch. Watch therefore, for you do not know when the master of the house is coming—in the evening, at midnight, at the crowing of the rooster, or in the morning—lest, coming suddenly, he find you sleeping. And what I say to you, I say to all: Watch! Mark 13:34-37

Jesus gave us authority. Ahhh, saints, we are in our finest hour to prepare the way of the Lord and to demonstrate mighty authority over the powers of the enemy. We have been moving in one way until now, but it is time to shift; change position, so that you can maneuver through the hard times. Change your thinking; you are not a victim, but a victor because of sonship. You belong to God; get a revelation of that thing. Yes, you can wrap your mind around that truth, because the Holy Spirit resides in you. This is a spiritual thing; which can only be discerned by the spirit; grab it and change positions.

We are getting caught up in the deceptions of the enemy, just as Jesus said we would. We don’t have time to fight in marriages, have issues in friendships or offenses in the Church. Get over yourself; it is NOT about YOU!!! Many ministers are crying, "I want to be happy so I will change partners," God didn't promise us happiness; He told us to bear fruit that would remain and joy is inside of us if we truly have the Holy Spirit. Happiness is based on your situation; the world can have that, but joy is the fruit of the Spirit and it only comes from God. Man didn't give it to us and man can't take it away. The joy of the Lord is our strength and because He is love; we love. When will we take off our spiritual pampers and grow up? We have a job to do and NOW is the time.

The waters (tsunamis) have broken on the earth, signifying that the birthing of the sons of God is imminent. Jesus has given the Church authority and dominion over every evil principality on the earth and in high places. We wrestle not with flesh and blood, but with principalities in high places. We should be prepared for every attack by knowing the scriptures and living them. We have been admonished by the Apostle Paul, to clothe ourselves in the armor of God, which is the only way we will be victorious. As we walk in wisdom, revelation knowledge and understanding, that the hard things that we are witnessing on the earth have already been prophesized by Christ, we should be encouraged, because God, through His Word, He has already prepared us for what is to come. We are anointed by Jesus, for this season and hour. We are not to walk in fear when we see the difficult things happening on the earth, but to walk in faith, because we already know the end of things. We are to have a heart of compassion for those who suffer and who don’t understand the shakings, and revolting that the earth is experiencing.

But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven nor the Son, but only the Father. Take heed, watch and pray, for you do not know when the time is. Matt 13:32:33

Just as no one knew the exact day or hour my daughter would go into labor; we don’t know the day or hour Christ will come; only Father knows. But we can know the season and the season is near. Work till He comes, watch and pray saints. We no longer have time lick our wounds of offense and invite others to our pity parties. Grow up!!!! Shift and change position to become effective for the kingdom of God. I bless you, as you move into position to advance the Kingdom of God.

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