Monday, November 8, 2010

Self Lovers to Psychopaths

But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God—having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with them. 2 Timothy 3:1-5

We are raising a generation of phychopaths as children grow up disconnected from parents and without control. It is true that it takes a village to raise a child but the sad thing is that in our modern society, no one want to get involved in the lives of others. I am so grateful that the women in our Church help the young mothers with their children and the children respond to the commands of the older women. Whew! Thank you, Jesus.

We have seen the world change dramatically in the last five years from weather changes to the hearts of men change. Men have truly become lovers of themselves and are not concerned about the good of others. We are seeing failures in families, friends, marriages, and churches. The divorce rate in the Church parallels the divorce rate in the world. The attitude of man’s heart has reached a crescendo that is unparallel from anything we have seen in history. Throughout history we have witnessed a heartless leader or psychopathic killer but never a generation that has gone totally debunked as we see today. Men and women walk away from their spouses and children as if they never existed. Men father children and toss them away as if they were broken toys that needed to be discarded.

When I was a child, friends would prick their fingers and put the blood together as a sign to never break the friendship (that is a deadly thing to do today), as children understood “blood covenants.” There are few people who make covenants or permanent attachments today. Weddings are big business and people are breaking the bank on throwing lavish weddings with expensive wedding planners, as they both agree before God, witnesses and the camera to love and honor one another until death separate them. That usually last for 5 years, if they are lucky, then we can wait to see them display all their foolishness on Divorce Court. Whatever happened to making friends for life? That means we tolerate each other’s idiosyncrasies. As the two sisters said in the movie, The Color Purple” nothing but death can separate us.

Getting back to the subject of self lovers, or the modern name, which is,”psychopath.” These people are only consumed with themselves; their needs and desires. They are very manipulative as they try to control others to do what they want them to do. They are very deceptive and will lie to cover their sneaky behavior. These people are very self centered and self important. They criticize others for doing the same things they themselves do. Sin is awful when they see it in others but excuse the same behavior in themselves. There is little remorse or guilt for hurting or mistreating others. They show little to no concern, sympathy or empathy toward other people and they often blame others for their bad actions or problems. They show no responsibility in their negative behavior toward other people. People who are not close to these people think that they are charming and nice people until you get to know them. They are easily bored and need constant stimulation of the pleasure senses like sex, sports, movies, music or the like. These people are not able to remain attached to anyone or anything for long. They are vow and covenant breakers. If they remain in a relationship, they do so because it benefits them in some way, but they will never give their partner what they desire and that is themselves. They are extremely selfish and non-challant to the feelings of others and show very little care if they disappoint their mate or break a promise. They will make up ridiculous excuses to cover their actions, but it will ultimately be the other person’s fault because of their failure to commit to their word.

They know right from wrong, because they will clock or judge someone else for doing the same act, but are not able to feel remorse for their bad actions toward others. These people will malfunction if they are treated the same way. They will make your life miserable at best which is why God tells us to have NOTHING to do with them. The Bible says to have nothing to do with an angry man and a person who is a psychopath or self-lover.

God’s desire for us to live the best life He has for us. He knows in all of His infinite wisdom that being in a relationship with a person who is a lover of himself is a dead end relationship, which is why the Apostle Paul, writes to Timothy to, “have nothing to do with them.” These people can’t receive natural love and will abuse those who try to make the relationship work. These people will only hurt and disappoint you. In the end, they will walk out with no remorse and leave carnage behind them; never looking back.

It is hard for a responsible person to walk away from an unhealthy relationship but the truth is, these last day lovers of themselves, can walk away without a thought of how their family will survive. If you are not hitched to such a person, you are blessed. Many people are seeking mates, but they don’t realize that much prayer need to go up to the Father for guidance before getting involved with people these days, to make sure you are hearing from God for His best for you. If you are dating a self-lover or psychopath, get out of it. Being in a relationship with a self lover will take you nowhere fast. If you end up marrying them, I promise you, you will be sorry.

For Pastors and those who counsel, please hear me. You are wasting your time counseling these people for months and years. Once you have shown these people the Word and have prayed with them and prayed for them, then stop the madness. You can’t help a person who takes all your energy and time by giving them attention. You could be dealing with mental illness or with a psychopath.

Just say “no” to these selfish people. We will see more of these folks for this is a last day sign of the times.

1 comment:

  1. Amen! I can't believe there are no comments as this is the best Christian article I've read about this subject. We are not to try to fix them or love them into the Kingdom but to HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH THEM! Notice too how Paul has compassion on those of us who will be living during this time.

    Just so you know, MRI's set up to check for psychopathy actually show that these people's brains don't process the emotions of love, gratefulness, empathy, guilt or shame. There are also genetic and chromosomal markers that can be checked. God knew of this time and He loved us enough to forewarn us. I have come to have such a love for the brethren and we need to love and pray with and for one another. Terrible times.
