Monday, November 22, 2010

Changed To Glory

This has been an incredible year for those who walk in the spirit. Many of us have changed from faith to glory, understanding our spiritual authority in the earth. We have walked in a greater dominion and understanding of our sonship and purpose in Christ. The power God has given us has been manifested in our lives as we minister to those who are sick, bound or lost. We have seen God work mighty miracles through our vessels and seen His awesome hand of deliverance and healing.

But by the same token, God has also shown us things about ourselves that need to be cast down. He has revealed things that have been hidden from us in our personalities so that we can be delivered from every adversity that hold us personally bound. He has revealed to us those "issues" that will hinder us from progressing in Him in this next season. Some are issues and some of us have to deal with sin. Personal issues can hinder us from going forward as much as sin issues can. Strife, fear, intimidation, doubt, selfishness, pride, discord, gossip and the like can all keep you from walking in purpose and destiny. We have been challenged by God to put these things away and to walk in the Spirit of God. He has revealed these things to us so that we can cast down every thought and imagination that exalts itself against the knowledge of God. We must possess a depth of knowledge of a Holy God that cares for us and loves us enough to show us our faults and sin issues.

God has put our sins, "up in our face" so we can compare our behavior to what the Word says about us. Personality quirks had to be defined and changed, as we have been led by the Spirit of God, to not get caught up in the "small stuff." The Word of God has been the sword to cut between the spirit and soul to reveal hidden issues deep inside us. God has and is still refining us through the fire, to get the rough stuff out of us.

Some have experienced personal illnesses but have not been devastated though these heavy trials because they have experienced the awesome hand of Jehovah Rapha through these times. His deliverance has brought some of us back from the hands of death. But those who have been touched by God's healing hands, know without a doubt that He is indeed, real. But they also had to face the fact that there must be a life change in diet and lifestyle to stay healthy.

Some men and women have had their sins posted up front and personal for all the world to see but even in some of these cases, their sins have been revealed so that God could stop them in their tracks to prevent them from going to Hell. Public humiliation is better than eternity in Hell. We have also seen this year a revelation of the division of the sheep and the goats. Heirlings have been uncovered in the pulpits and those preaching heresy are revealed as we see the rise of the apostate church. Uncovering has taken place as the shaking of the tree continues. I believe God allows some to suffer exposure to get the others who are guilty of the same sins to clean their lives up.

One thing I have noticed by many is a need to get the clutter out of their homes. Things they have saved over the years in case they may need them again are now getting moved out. There seems to be a need to get rid of the junk. I sometimes wonder if God is causing the remnant to release those things they no longer need. The awesome thing about it is that the more things we release to bless others will cause a boomerang effect to draw more things back to us. Don't be afraid to release your stuff to others. You can't out give God. Prepare for a season of signs, wonders and miracles, as the Church move out on the harvest to preach the gospel.

We have been positioned this year to align with God's purpose and destiny for our lives. God is calling us to Himself. At our Church service, one of the prophetess began to sing a song calling the Church to holiness. Her voice and the song was just as powerful as a shofar blowing. We all heard it and felt it; it was a powerful moment. God is calling the Church to holiness and he that has ears, hear what the Spirit is saying to the Churches.

Word of the Lord
Return to Me, says the Lord and I will return to you. Forsake your ways and your evil desires and I will fulfill your spirit with more of Me. I am calling the Church to a place of hungering after Me and I will satisfy those who seek Me in this season. For I Am not moved by traditional holidays but by the desire to come away with Me. I Am calling My beloveds to Me, as I demonstrate My love for You. Trust Me in this next move, for I will be giving you the strategy to maneuver through the rough places. Seek Me and I will be found by you.

The Blessings of the Lord makes one rich. Embrace His blessings in your life and bless others.

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