Monday, August 2, 2010

The Kingdom of God is Like...

My greatest memory as a child was the Christmas my dad and mom bought me two dolls and my dad bought a stroller for my dolls and he made a perfect cradle with his bare hands for my baby dolls. I was so happy that Christmas, for I had received everything I ever wanted. I proudly put my doll in her stroller and when I came home I put both dolls in the cradle. I was so excited about my toys I didn't want to go to sleep at night. In my world, life didn’t get any better than that. I soon grew up and dolls didn’t excite me anymore. Other things got my attention and I ran after those things. In the middle of my teen years, I was apprehended by the Lord and was ushered into the Church. I loved going to Church and spent most of my later teen years there. It was the best life.

I have spent my life in the Church and raised my seven children in the Church. I loved the people I fellowshipped with and made it my business to never miss a service. I enjoyed God and His people. Going to Church and reading my Bible; it was what I did and it became a part of me until one day, as I read the Bible, these words jumped off the page; the Kingdom of God is like…logos became rhema and I understood the principle of Kingdom unlike never before.

The Book of Matthew, chapter 13, put my head in a tailspin. Jesus spoke of His Kingdom in a parable so that we could seek after it and discover its truth. The Kingdom of God is like a sower, the mustard seed, the leaven, the treasure and the fine pearls. The sower, mustard seed and the leaven all explain how the Kingdom will start very small but will spread to take over. John the Baptist, cried out in the wilderness that the Messiah was coming. The Messiah showed up and was the seed that was sown; the mustard seed that started as something small but became the largest tree in the garden and the leaven that was placed in the batch of meal and spread and multiplied until it consumed the entire batch. Jesus told His disciples to tell the people when they approached them to do a miracle, that the Kingdom of God had come near them. They were the inhabitors of this precious kingdom. I understood that truth, but the one that really got to me was where I think many Christians miss the mark today.

The Kingdom of God is like…the treasure and the fine pearl; those precious things that people risk their lives to possess. I am reminded of those who give up everything to follow a map to find gold or risk their lives to dive to an abandoned ship under water to see if there are any precious gems still remaining inside. Many in the gold rush days gave up everything to go west and find their fortune. But what is the disconnect we see in the Church today? Many who call themselves Christians are not willing to give up the world and live holy lives as men and women of righteous character. They are still willing to gamble, lie, steal, fornicate, commit adultery, and every form of sin there is. They don’t understand this precious gift that has been given to them. These two parables about the treasure and the pearl, reveals that those who sought after these treasures were willing to give up and forsake everything to possess that which is precious to them. Modern day Christians are not willing to give up anything, for that which is worth everything.

We should seek the Kingdom of God, and it’s righteousness over and above any, and all other possessions; for nothing else is as precious or worth having as the things of God. Jesus asked His disciples who do men say that He is and Peter, under the auspices of the Holy Spirit said that Jesus was the Son of the living God. The revelation of Jesus Christ will open spiritual doors for us, because Jesus has given us the keys to the Kingdom and the power to bind and loose. The cherished knowledge of Jesus Christ, the Kingdom of God and its righteousness, will usher us into the realm of glory. The Kingdom of God does not come with observation, for we cannot see it nor touch it, but we are carriers of it for it is within us, to do mighty works. We are to expand and advance the Kingdom of God on the earth to influence every area of darkness. We are light called to dispel the darkness on the earth and witness the enemy scatter.

Understanding that we are called to possess the Kingdom will free us from the desires of this world. We will not desire the world or the things of the world, for we know that there is a better way to live and a greater King to serve. If we truly understood what God is offering us, we would run with everything within us to possess this awesome revelation. We are called to be atmosphere changers and to possess the land. Unfortunately, few will seek Gods’ kingdom for they think that the world has more to offer them. So, to those who understand that we are called to demonstrate a better system of living and that system is not of this world, we will not rest until we have finished our course. Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and its righteousness, and ALL these things will be added unto you. Are you willing to walk in the revelation knowledge of God and possess His glory? It is yours to possess and you can walk in the blessed realm. Be exceedingly blessed.


  1. I think that while I was in worship, you were posting this blog. God is so awesome! He orders our steps and aligns our steps to be in sync with His. His timing, His timing, His timing...."The Kingdom Is Like...!"

  2. I feel you are in an awesome place with God, for you have learned that worship gets God's attention. Father is intimate with those who are lovers of His presence and He fills and ushers us into a place where we are satisfied in Him. He begins to align our steps with His steps, as you have mentioned and lead us into pathways of glory and of deeper revelations of who He is. You have found the secret and possess the knowledge that few will ever obtain; you are indeed a blessed woman.
