The Lord your God in your midst, the Mighty One, will save; He will rejoice over you with gladness, He will quiet you with His love. Zephaniah 3:14
As I was driving up a mountain in the Ozarks showing my mother, daughter and grandchildren the beautiful scenery, I decided I had driven far enough on this mountain road and I needed to turn around and go back to town. I made a turn up on a mountain road and ended up in the parking lot of a place called, “Shrine of the Holy Spirit.” So, I parked the vehicle, grabbed my camera and proceeded toward the shrine. I noticed a large rock and walked to the front of it and saw that the Ten Commandments were engraved in the front of this rock. I was impressed. I walked a little further and saw a stature with three or four rocks piles on top of each other with water (representing the Holy Spirit) running from it and a building, where the most beautiful worship music I have heard this side of the earth, was playing. There’s a tall wall surrounding the monument and building loaded with scriptures, written on the front of it. The presence of God was all over the place. All I could do as I walked around the wall reading the scriptures and listening to the worship music, was to pray in the spirit. I called my daughter and mother, to see this wonderful place and we joined hands and prayed. This was such a powerful experience. I was blessed beyond measure to see that this monument, which was built to give honor to the Spirit of God, was there.
One of the scriptures that hit me personally was the one written above. The Lord your God in the midst, the Mighty One, will save; He will rejoice over you with gladness, He will quiet you with His love. This was a personal Word of the Lord for my life. God is in my midst and He has and will continue to deliver me from every challenge and trial. When I think of My God rejoicing and is glad over me; I can’t contain myself when I think of His immense love toward me and my love toward Him. He quiets me…the Lord, My God, quiets me…He settles my mind and stabilizes me with His love. I can barely wrap my mind around the love He has for me. I am still tripping over the fact that God lead me to that very spot so that I can be blessed. How great is our God. He led me to a place that He knew would please me and make me happy. God is so very awesome.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not unto your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your steps.
God directed my steps to a place where He knew I would love to be. There was a time that the Mall would have been a place I wanted to be, but God has matured me to the point that a place dedicated to Him would bless me. His will has truly become; my will. He is in our midst…trust Him for the small stuff. Our steps are ordered by God and our feet are guided by Him. I know the scripture says the Lord rejoices over us with gladness and that makes me smile. He rejoices over me as I rejoice over Him. He is glad that I am His and He has made me glad; hallelujah! He knows the plans He has for our lives and I thank Him that I can trust and see Him in everything. In the spirit of expectancy, God manifests. I am so overwhelmed that He quiets my soul. He loves me so that when He rejoices over me that it actually brings me into a place of perfect peace. Wholeness; nothing broken; nothing missing. I am at perfect peace and my souls magnified the Lord as I rested in His presence and looked out over the mountian at His beauty. I believe God has etched that moment in my memory and when life gets too busy for me He will bring that moment back to my rememberance.
I was so blessed that God led me to that mountaintop experience and that I can say, “I met the Lord in a mountaintop experience and I glorified Him.
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