Sunday, July 18, 2010

Apostles and Prophets

A prophet is not without honor except in his hometown and in his own household. And He did not do many miracles there because of their unbelief. Matthew 13:58

But Jesus said, “A prophet is taken for granted in his hometown and his family.” He didn’t do many miracles there because of their hostile indifference. Message 13:58

This is a shout out to all apostles and prophets!!!! You know you are anointed, appointed and gifted to speak the oracles of God and to command atmospheres. You know you have the anointing to decree and declare the Words of the Lord and that He backs up what you say. Your heart is tender to God’s heart and you deeply desire more of Him because you love Him so. Others are amazed when a prophetic word is fulfilled in their lives and happily tell you that you told them what was going to happen before it did. You give God all the glory and thank Him for speaking a word through you to bless people. Many honor you and give you respect for the office you walk in as a prophet, but then you come home and realize that you are little ole “you” in the eyes of your family and that they are not mesmerized over your gifts.

Many remember you when you were kicking it with them and saw you when you were struggling with the same problems they struggled with. They believe you are in love with God but to say you are God’s mouthpiece is going a bit too far. Some pacify you in your title as a prophet and others will despise you for being in the office. There is no middle ground when God has called you for purpose. Either they love you or they don’t. Some may even think that you are a little crazy for some believe that apostles and prophets are not for today, all the time ignoring the obvious power the is displayed in the name of Jesus.

Should we sit back and lick our wounds of hurt? By no means! We are called to set atmospheres, speak the Word of the Lord and eatablish foundational truths in the Body of Christ. We are not called to try to prove to all who we are or to verify and validate our gifts. We are called by God to produce signs, wonders and miracles in the earth. Will everyone love us? Of course not! Will everyone accept our words? Of course not! It is a waste of time to try to confirm anything to anyone who have convinced themselves that we are not who God has called us to be. If they cannot see it by our works and character, then we are to move on and continue to do Kingdom business. When we operate in the power of God, we will stir many people who believe to hunger for the presence of God and they will receive healing and miracles because of their faith. As we bless them, God’s favor will be seen on us. We are called to be imitators of Christ and walk a holy life before Him.

One thing I can say about the naysayers. The time will come when all naysayers will believe that we are carriers of God’s glory because light can’t be hidden in the darkness and we know that the darkness is coming. Focus on God and His awesomeness and purposes on this earth. Jesus left his hometown of Nazareth to other areas because He had no honor in his own home or city. We too, will be sent by God to territories He has declared victory over by your hands. Touch those who deeply desire to be set free and hear a Word from the Lord to be blessed and to be a blessing in healings, visions, translations and dreams. The world is waiting for the apostles and prophets to take position and command atmospheres over cities, states and nations. If you are not received with joy in your own home or city, then wait on the Lord to be moved into position to be a blessing in the territory where the Lord will send you.


  1. Rev Apostle Brooks,
    I have been living in this very situation! I have daily struggles with family and situations in the natural against me. This is a delivering word for me. It has confirmed all that I've been going through and at the perfect timing of the Lord.
    To encourage me to speak to the atmosphere, declare and command the will of God! I praise the Lord for this word and the gift that you have been to me!
    thank you , much love and prayers, Tina Porter

  2. Speak and declare; bind and loose and watch Heaven back up your words! You are anointed for victory and when the nay sayers see that the Lord is with you, they will be brought to shame.
