Everyone has an opinion on any given subject. Whether their opinion is based on truth or not, they will state their opinion. The sad thing is when a person's opinion is based on theory, gossip or plain lies. I believe; I think, I heard this or that, are the arguments of many who demand to be heard whether their statements are right or wrong.
Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor stands in the path of sinners, nor sits in the seat of the scornful; but his delight is in the law of the Lord. Psalms 1:1-2
Taking advice or even believing the words of an ungodly person is tantamount to repeating the opinion of a fool. Where is he getting his information? It amazes me when a young person seek advice from another young, immature person about serious issues. People can give advice that sounds great, but if you follow that advice you will be sorry. The friend may sound deep, but have they lived long enough to experience life or can they hear from God? We should seek counsel from those who delight themselves in the Lord and are lead and directed by Him.
When we learn to meditate on God's word the Holy Spirit bring that word back up to us when needed. That is wisdom at its best; being led by God. God's Word or discernment from the Holy Spirit, is where true knowledge is obtained and if heeded, yields life.
Stop taking advice from stupid or evil people. Being street smart is no match for true spiritual discernment. Take you advice or counsel from godly people who sit with Christ in Heavenly places.We are witnessing some tragic nonsense in the Church today as people practice assumptions and witchcraft against fellow members and call it prophetic; it is pathetic. I have known God for many years and He doesn't spend all His time revealing other people's issues to us; He reveals our issues to us. The Holy Spirit reveals the heart of the Father to His servants. Got a word for somebody, check and see if it was for YOU first. It baffles me when people say that they "feel" negativity when they enter a church or come around certain "church" people, but don't experience that same spirit when they enter the Mall, grocery store, hospital or any other source where people gather. If you feel it whenever you go around good people (I didn't say, "perfect people) you may be the culprit. We are told to enter in His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise and if this is done, we will be atmosphere changers. It doesn't matter how anyone else feels or is doing, we are suppose to change the atmosphere and usher in the presence of God. The spirit of heaviness that they think is coming from some other source is most likely coming from within. You get my drift.
I had to giggle when I began to think about Jesus followers when they were still students under Him. They didn't want Him to deal with the children and He had to tell them to not stop the children from coming to Him. Then there was the issue with the woman who anointed him as they stood by and criticized Him that he didn't know what kind of woman was touching Him. When the woman with the issue of blood touched Him, they seem aggravated because He felt virtue go out from Him to heal her and they tried to pass it off. I realized that they probably thought Jesus was kinda "out there" and didn't know much about people's behavior. Jesus didn't deal with people according to His feelings; he moved on people according to His immense love. The woman with the alabaster box was criticized by Judas for wasting precious oil on Jesus and we know that he was the person with the spiritual problem. Assumption, criticizing and sensing something about a person is NOT the prophetic. You are hearing from another source and not from God. He judges and tells us not to. Our job as Believers are to love and pray for one another. Prayer changes situations and people and we are changed in the process to love those who may have been difficult to love. Think about this; when we are loving people, that's when we are most like God. Perfect love cast off fear, so ask yourself, are you fearful of someone...what's bothering you about a person. Yes, there are aggravating people out here but, we have the Holy Spirit, the Helper to get us through situations with people.
I have always loved the Church and I will continue to love the people of God. We are exhorted to love one another as He has loved us. Yes, we can be fruit inspectors if we wish; looking for the evidence of the fruit of the Spirit in people, because that's the only sign that reveals that a person belongs to God. Remove the log from your own eye and then you can speak on the splinter in the eyes of others. I am sick of negative church folks who refuse to submit to God and to others in love. Week after week they will attend a church just to complain about what this one or that one did or looked like. What about you? Really, what about you? What do people see when they see you? You may think you're a super fantastic person, but someone else may think you're a donkey's hind side. If we are focusing on God and loving His people, we will see few issues with people. Now I am not speaking of those with real problems, because we know the wheat and tares are to grow up together, but I am speaking of those who nit pick every week about somebody's issues. Breaking news...there are NO perfect people. You won't find them anywhere, but there are born again people who struggle in this life against the powers of darkness and those who oppose the things of God.
People of God, please stop persecuting and slandering one another, because you are assisting Hell and become Hell's agent against your brethren. I remember when there was much fear regarding the KKK with Black people in the south, but the truth is Black on Black murders have killed more of our sons and daughters than the KKK ever could. It is the same with the Church, stop persecuting one another. We may be able to do a better job in demolishing spirits than Satan ever could; God forbid. You may think it's a small thing, but it is not. It's devastating to the person unless they are mature enough to recognize that a foolish person is speaking against them. Let's love for real; practicing acts of kindness and goodness toward one another. That person you slander may be the very one who will save your life one day.
Amen dear sis. So true. We are to exhort and encourage and build up each other in the faith. Yeshuah always was restoring and healing. The on,y ones he ever was harsh with were the hypocrites. We have to strive to be like him. Lord help us to live as you want us to live
ReplyDeleteAmen sis...His desire should be our desire.