And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and men. Luke 2:52
This is a revelation to spiritual growth and maturity. Jesus at 12 years old desired to sit with the teachers of the Law and learn from them. He listened to them teach and he asked questions. He was a child, but he was hungry for knowledge and wisdom. He was a strange child because when others his age preferred to do childish things, his desire was to seek things not of this world.
When his parents were ready to leave Jerusalem and return to Nazareth, Jesus was content hanging at the Temple with the men who studied and discussed spiritual things. Jesus' Mother was a woman who served and loved the Lord as we well know because of the angelic visitation she recieved from the messenger archangel, Gabrielle who told her that she was going to birth the Savior and that she was blessed and highly favored by God. She was known by Father and the angels as a young woman and chosen and appointed by God to birth the Redeemer. She was charged by God to nurture and train the Savior and that she did. Jesus astounded the men who studied the Torah with his incredible wisdom.
Jesus opted not to return to Nazareth with his parents, but rather to stay in Jerusalem at the Temple. When his parents noticed that he wasn't with them in the caravan, they returned to Jerusalem to get their 12 year old, but he wasn't a normal 12 year old. He sought the wisdom of Heaven and astonished not only everyone who heard him, but even his own parents. Luke 2:48. Even his statement to them blew them away when he said, "Why were you looking for me? Did you know that I had to be about my Father's business?" Talk about being focused; Jesus was focused indeed.
So I've asked myself one question many times lately...why aren't Christians focused today? We profess to be followers of Him and we speak of being in His image, but very few look like Him. Jesus wasn't sitting with his brothers, neighbors or family friends talking about the Roman occupation of Jerusalem or the hardships of the Jewish prople. He wasn't talking about the unfair taxation by the thieving tax collectors or the abuse of the Roman soldiers. He was heavenly focused.
We love to mock people who put their attention on the things of God by saying those people are so heavenly minded that they are no earthly good. Where in the world did that demonic statement come from? People actually get insulted if this is said about them. What's on the earth that is so impressive that our eyes need to be taken off the Messiah? We live in a state of distractions or coveting. It's the American way; I want, I need or I gotta have, is the attitude we live with daily. What tantalize our eyes that we can't see the way of God? Diamonds are not the only thing that glitters to us; it's our cars, clothes, houses, electronics and friends. The lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh and the pride of life has replaced Jesus in the hearts of many professing Christians and they are proud of it. Entertain me, make me comfortable and give me what I deserve are some of the things we expect from others.
If a 12 year old desires to be a preacher today, many a parent will try their best to discourage it. He or she would be mocked unmercilessly by their family and peers and told to have some fun; enjoy life. Many children start off desiring the ways of God, but are swiftly assaulted by Satan through people with very little encouragement from family and soon enough they start doing what everyone else do, they forget their God.
Jesus showed us the way to grow in grace and knowledge by seeking out those who study the word, speak of the word and focus on the Word, Jesus the Messiah. Jesus said, "I must be about my Father's business...I must do those things that I was born to do." What were you born to do...shine, my friend, shine. You were born again to a kingdom made without hands, but are you minding the things of God? Jesus astonished his parents by asking them why were they looking for him. The question today is, are we astonishing anyone? The answer should be yes. Our lives should astonish, perplex and amaze others. They should wonder why you have peace when they can see your storm. They should be dumbstruck how you walk in the blessed realm, blessing others when they can't figure out how you make it yourself. They should be perplexed how you can love God and stay holy in an unholy world and it is because you belong to God. He will make you a wonder in the earth, one who displays His glory because of righteousness. Satan knows there is a hedge around you, even when your naysayers don't know it.
Increase in wisdom, stature and favor as you display the nature of God regardless of your circumstances. Watch the company you keep and remember if you yoke yourself with the righteous, you will see iron sharpening iron. You may not be 12 years old, but there is no expiration date to obtain the maturity of Jesus in your life. Shalom
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