Friday, October 9, 2015


So the Lord said  to Cain, why are you angry?  And why has your countenance fallen?  If you do well, will you not be accepted?  And if you do not do well, sin lies at the door and its desire is for you, but you should rule over it.

Now Cain talked with Abel his brother and it came to pass, when they were in the field that Cain rose against Abel his brother and killed him.  Genesis 4:6-8

God warned  Cain of the issue of his heart before he killed his brother.  His heart was filled with anger that continued to grow until it reached the boiling point and Cain gave in to his emotions.  What lurked deep in Cain's heart was envy and jealousy which spurned anger.  Cain could have taken correction from God and gave a better offering the next time, but his emotions caused him to spin out of control  to the point of murder.

Cain's unchecked and out of control emotions caused him to do the unthinkable and he became the world's first murderer. 
He didn't use a gun or a knife, but a rock.  Not checking his emotion caused him to kill and lose his family, because he was thrown into exile.

There are all kinds of negative emotions and Satan will mess  with your mind with every one of them.  You may be a phenomenal person with hidden issues of the heart.  What's really lurking deep within the recesses of your soulish realm?  God knows and He desire that you be set free of  all negative emotions or issues of the heart. 

The spirit of fear is another tool that Satan uses to destroy our lives.  How many people lose sleep over fear, anxiety and worry; only God knows.  Satan uses our emotions as a tool to destroy us, but God uses our emotions to make us strong.  Our emotions are a tool in the hand of the enemy and in the hand of God.  When you allow God to work on your emotions, the purpose of God will eventually be evident to you.  The fruit of the Spirit will become evident and you will be useful to God as His plan and purposes will be fulfilled in your life.  Let patience have her perfect work, that you may be perfect and entire, lacking nothing. James 1:4.  Another version reads,  Endure until your testing is over.  Then you will be mature and complete and you won't need anything. 

Fear will keep you from fulfilling God's purposes for your life.  How many assignments have you passed up because of fear?  How many ministry opportunities have you let go by the wayside because you were afraid of what someone thought of you, afraid of the area God told you to minister in or thought the assignment was too small or large?  The truth is that assignment you turned down, someone else gladly said yes to.  The emotion of fear will shut you down and make you ineffective for God's use.  Check your emotions at the door and "do it afraid" as Joyce Meyer's said. 

If you don't do it God will raise up another and they will get the reward and wear the crown.   I am coming soon. Hold on to what you have, so that no one take your crown.  Rev. 3:11

Check your emotion and bring them under subjection to the word and will of God, because He is coming soon and His reward will be with Him.  Marantha...come Lord Jesus.

The artist of the photo is unknown to me.

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